UPNVJ Deputy Chancellor and Contract Employee Audience


UPNVJ Public Relations - Monday 31 December 2018, at the Bhinneka Tunggal Ika Rectorate Building, an audience was held between the Deputy Chancellor for General Affairs and Finance and UPNVJ Contract Employees. This activity was attended by all contract employees of UPN "Veteran" Jakarta. This audience activity is one of the activities held to bridge communication between contract employees and management in order to increase sharing regarding activities that will be and have been carried out. The audience was led by UPNVJ Deputy Chancellor for Public Affairs and Finance, Dr. Prasetyo Hadi, SE., MM., CFMP., in his speech he hoped that UPN "Veteran" Jakarta contract workers would be able to implement PIKIR's Work Culture Values within the UPNVJ environment. The event ended with discussion and group photo.




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