Faculty of Engineering UPN "Veteran" Jakarta Holds National Seminar "Application of Industrial Technology 4.0"


HumasUPNVJ - Faculty of Engineering UPN "Veteran" Jakarta, Tuesday 1 October 2019 held a national seminar entitled "Application of Industrial Technology 4.0 in Indonesia" at the Tanah Airku Auditorium Lt.5 Faculty of Engineering UPN "Veteran" Jakarta, Cinere Limo with resource person Rachmad Indra Anwar , Rustamadji and Didi Setiadi.

The seminar was attended by 200 participants. Consisting of UPNVJ Faculty of Engineering students as well as invitations from STT PLN students, AKATEL and the University of Indonesia. Present at the event was the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering UPN "Veteran" Jakarta Dr. Ir. Reda Rizal, B.Sc, M.Sc, Deputy Deans, and Head of Study Program.

In his remarks, the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering UPN "Veteran" Jakarta hopes that all seminar participants can find out what Industrial Technology 4.0 is actually delivered by experts and can be a provision to add knowledge and insight about industry 4.0." he said.


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