HumasUPNVJ - The launch of the Integrity Zone by the Faculty of Computer Science, National Development University “Veteran” Jakarta has received much appreciation and support, including from the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology (Kemendiktisintek).
Dr. Bhimo Widyo Andoko from the Bureau of Organization and Human Resources of the Ministry of Education and Science and Technology appreciated the Integrity Zone initiated by FIK UPNVJ and signed by Chancellor Prof. Dr. Anter Venus on Monday, February 17, 2025.
In his presentation, Bhimo briefly explained bureaucratic reform, which is defined as an effort to make fundamental changes and renewals to the government administration system in order to realize good governance.
"The main objective of bureaucratic reform is to strengthen political, legal and bureaucratic reform, as well as strengthen the prevention and eradication of corruption and drugs," said Bhimo.
"Bureaucratic reform is one of the initial steps to organize a good, effective and efficient governance system, so that it can serve the public quickly, accurately and professionally," he explained.
"The development of the Integrity Zone (ZI) towards a Corruption-Free Area (WBK)/Clean and Serving Bureaucratic Area (WBBM) is a concrete step in order to accelerate the achievement of the Bureaucratic Reform work program in work units," added Bhimo.
He also said that conceptually, the Integrity Zone is an important instrument in Bureaucratic Reform that directs public institutions to create a transparent, accountable, and high-integrity work environment.
ZI is designed to prevent all forms of corruption through two important stages, namely achieving the predicate of Corruption-Free Area (WBK) and Clean Serving Bureaucracy Area (WBBM).
Basically, ZI is divided into three target focuses, namely integrity, excellent public service and capability.
This can be done with five strategic steps, namely Leadership Commitment, Ease, Speed, and Transparency of Service, Programs that Touch the Community, Monitoring and Evaluation, and Media Management.
Bhimo also said that there are several indicators that lead to the success of ZI development, including service transparency, improving public services, reducing the level of deviation and compliance with regulations.