Public Lecture with Prof. Dato Dr. Mohammad Azemi Mohd Noor from UNIKL


HumasUPNVJ - In an effort to improve the Tridharma of Higher Education UPN Veteran Jakarta through the Faculty of Economics and Business held a Public Lecture with the theme "Halal Supply Chain Management" with Prof. Dato Dr. Mohammad Azemi Mohd Noor from the University of Kuala Lumpur (UNIKL), on Thursday (20/02/20) at the Bhinneka Tunggal Ika Auditorium UPNVJ.

The public lecture which was attended by 250 students included students from the Faculty of Economics and Business and students from the Faculty of Engineering. The supply chain management course is a new curriculum published in 2017 and is given to students of the Bachelor of Management and Industrial Engineering study programs.

In this two-way public lecture, the resource person explained in detail how the product can be said to be halal starting from the production process until it reaches the consumer.

Jenji Gunaedi Argo as a lecturer at the Faculty of Economics and Business said the resource person will teach a series of raw materials from upstream to downstream what are prepared to produce raw materials that have halal quality.

According to Jenji, the guest speaker's visit was felt to be very useful for students to know how to produce halal products according to the provisions.

" Our students can find out the supply chains in Malaysia so we can make comparisons with those in Indonesia, " he said.



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