UPNVJ Holds JSN'45 Training Again, Now Involving Lecturers from Various Universities

HumasUPNVJ – Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Jakarta (UPNVJ) officially opened the Soul, Spirit, and Values of '45 Training in a ceremony held at the Bhinneka Tunggal Ika Auditorium. This activity will take place from February 3 to 8, 2025, attended by 32 participants who are lecturers.

This training is the second time held by UPN Veteran Jakarta. If the previous training only involved UPNVJ lecturers, this time the training was also attended by several lecturers from universities that are members of the State University Cooperation Agency (PTN) of the Western Indonesia Region (BKS-PTN Barat). This shows the increasingly wide reach and positive impact of this training in instilling national values to educators in the university environment.

This event is a real manifestation of UPN Veteran Jakarta's commitment as an educational institution that upholds national values and patriotism. As a university born from the nation's struggle, UPN Veteran Jakarta feels it has a moral responsibility to instill and preserve the noble values of the struggle, especially the spirit and soul of '45, to the younger generation.

In her remarks, the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, Cooperation, and Information Systems, Ria, emphasized that the soul, spirit, and values of '45 are not just historical memories, but also the main foundation in national and state life. "Values such as unity, willingness to sacrifice, never giving up, and mutual cooperation must continue to be held firmly in facing the challenges of the times, especially in the era of globalization and technological disruption like today," she said at the Opening Ceremony of the JSN'45 Training.

Furthermore, Ria hopes that the training participants can re-explore the deep meaning of the spirit of '45 and apply it in everyday life, both as individuals, society, and part of the Indonesian nation. She also emphasized the importance of the role of lecturers in continuing the baton of struggle with full responsibility. At the end of her speech, Ria expressed her gratitude to all parties who have contributed to the organization of this event with the hope that the training can run smoothly and provide benefits for all participants.

The General Chairperson of the Central Leadership Council of the Indonesian Veteran Legion (LVRI), represented by Deputy General Chairperson I Lieutenant General TNI (Ret.) Muzani Syukur, said that this training is part of the program to pass on the Spirit, Spirit, and Values of '45 to the younger generation of the nation's successors. "We appreciate UPN Veteran Jakarta for initiating this training. This is a shared responsibility as children of the nation to pass on the values of the struggle of our predecessors," said Muzani.

Muzani also emphasized that the main objective of this training is to equip educators so that they can understand the Soul, Spirit, and Values of '45 in depth, so that they are able to pass it on to students as the next generation of the nation.

After the official opening of the event, a symbolic procession of garlanding of participants was carried out, represented by Yosy Rahmawati, S.ST., MT, with the installation by Lieutenant General TNI (Ret.) Muzani Syukur. After that, the event continued with a pre-test session led by Ir. Doddy Diponegoro.

Then, the activity continued with an explanation session regarding the Training Plan (Renlat), training schedule, rules and regulations, and group divisions delivered by Major General TNI (Ret.) Drs. H. Ru Djiono and Senior Commissioner Pol (Ret.) Drs. IP Silalahi, SH, M.Hum.

On the first day of training, participants will receive material on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution which will be delivered by Senior Commissioner of Police (Ret.) Drs. IP Silalahi, SH, M.Hum. In addition, Brigadier General TNI (Ret.) Dr. Sri Sundari, SE, MM will also provide material on the History of the Struggle for Independence of the Republic of Indonesia.

With a series of activities that have been prepared, it is hoped that this training can provide great benefits for participants in strengthening the spirit of nationalism and patriotism among academics and the younger generation.

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