50 UPNVJ Students Receive Bank Indonesia Scholarships

HumasUPNVJ - As a form of Bank Indonesia's (BI) concern for education in Indonesia, BI has a scholarship program for outstanding students in tertiary institutions and UPN Veterans Jakarta is one of the PTN recipients of the scholarship assistance.

After being announced widely by Bank Indonesia on April 24 2020, UPN Veteran Jakarta managed to receive scholarships for 50 students.

This year is the 3rd year that UPNVJ has received a Bank Indonesia scholarship and this year several faculties that have received scholarships include the Faculty of Business Economics with 42 students, the Faculty of Law 5 people and the Faculty of Computer Science 3 people.

Refi Muhammad Syafei, a student at the Faculty of Economics and Business, one of the Bank Indonesia scholarship recipients, said he was happy and grateful to be able to get this BI scholarship for the second time.


"Alhamdulillah, I am very happy, and at the same time grateful to have another opportunity to develop myself at Generasi Bank Indonesia because there are really many benefits and it is useful for me," said Refi during an interview with the UPNVJ public relations team.

Refi also said that the process that went through was also not easy, there were many terms and conditions that must be met by prospective scholarship recipients before being declared qualified as BI scholarship recipients.

"The BI Scholarship process has a total of 3 stages, namely the registration process (file selection), written test selection, and interview test selection," he explained.

Scholarship recipients must also have a number of criteria which include Active Undergraduate Students from the Faculty of Economics and Business, Law and Computer Science, Maximum age of 23 (twenty three) years or not yet 24 (twenty four years) at the time of being determined as a scholarship recipient ;, Have a minimum GPA of 3.00 (Scale 4.00), Have experience in carrying out social activities that have a beneficial impact on society and the environment;, Not currently receiving a scholarship, working and or in the status of an official bond from another institution/agency;, Each scholarship recipient is only can receive a maximum of 4 (four) semesters as long as they meet predetermined criteria, Mandatory to be active in the Indonesian New Generation (GenBI) community.

Refi also said that support also came from the university through the faculties, including in terms of test preparation, where the university through the faculty provided support in the form of outreach about this scholarship, then helped provide the required files such as study result cards and so on.

The benefits obtained for BI scholarship recipients include scholarships worth Rp. 1,000,000, per month (paid every semester), opportunity to attend training and seminars from Bank Indonesia, opportunity to do an internship at a representative office of Bank Indonesia DKI Jakarta Province, various benefits and other opportunities

Not only do they receive assistance in the form of tuition fees, students who receive scholarships are also members of a community, namely GenBI (Indonesian New Generation). From GenBI students receive various regular, planned and directed trainings to improve individual competence and develop character and leadership spirit so that they are able to become leaders in the future

On the occasion when being interviewed, Refi did not forget to convey his support for other fellow students to keep trying and try to be successful in obtaining a BI scholarship next year.

"For UPNVJ friends who are looking for scholarships, you really have to find out about this BI scholarship, because there are no other scholarships with programs as interesting as this for students, the benefits are not only financial assistance, you can also get a lot of experience and self improvements. So for friends who haven't succeeded this year, don't worry, try again next year with more thorough preparation, remember giving up is not an option. You can check further information on GenBI's Instagram at @genbi.jakarta," said Refi.

The following are the names of students receiving Bank Indonesia scholarships:

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