Fasting Smoothly in the Midst of a Pandemic


HumasUPNVJ - Practicing fasting in the holy month of Ramadan this year will feel very different from previous years. This is a very worrying condition due to the continued spread of the Covid-19 virus outbreak

a special concern for all Muslims in the world. The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic has not only affected physical health, but also mental health, especially during the fasting month as it is today. We all need to be able to focus more on maintaining health while fasting so that the body's immune system remains stable.

Reporting from the page, there are some tips/suggestions for fasting to continue smoothly in the midst of a pandemic like this according to the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO), including:

- Fulfill Nutrition and Water Needs when Breaking the Fast

It is important to have extra body immunity during Ramadan. Not only to maintain the stamina needed for activities, adequate nutrition can minimize the risk of being infected with COVID-19.

Therefore, be sure to pay attention to your nutritional intake and hydration when breaking your fast. The easy way is to eat fresh food, not packaging, and maintain your intake of at least eight glasses of water per day.

-Keep Exercising

Fasting is not an excuse to be lazy all day. We still have to do physical activity such as light exercise during fasting. Even though it requires restrictions on the intensity and type of movement chosen so you don't get weak easily, this is important to maintain fitness.

However, during the implementation of physical distancing, just do sports at home or take online classes, such as yoga or aerobics at home. Exercise can also be a healthy way to relieve stress during this difficult time.

- Avoid smoking

During fasting, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, smoking is not recommended. The reason is, smokers generally already have a reduced lung capacity. As a result, this condition can increase a person's risk of contracting the corona virus and cause a person to be unable to carry out fasting as they should. fasting for a long time, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, you are not advised to smoke. The reason is, smokers generally already have a reduced lung capacity. As a result, this condition can increase a person's risk of contracting the corona virus and cause a person to be unable to carry out fasting as they should.

- Continue to do Physical Distancing and Take Care of Your Health

During the holy month of Ramadan, it feels incomplete if you don't give charity to those in need. If you want to keep giving alms, make sure the recommendations for physical restrictions and maintaining personal hygiene are still implemented. For example, such as not creating crowds, lining up within a certain distance, using personal protection such as masks, avoiding touching your face, and always washing your hands with water and soap.

Apart from that, physical distancing can also be done by not doing "ngabuburit" activities and diverting them to other activities at home, as well as doing Tarawih prayers and other nightly worship at home.

- Do not force fasting if you are sick

People who are sick, including those with COVID-19, are not required to fast. In addition, people with certain long-term conditions such as diabetes with complications are also not required to fast. Don't force yourself to fast if you are sick, because this can make things worse because your body doesn't have the extra energy to fight off the disease.

Those are some suggestions from, I hope that #Belanegara friends will be given smooth sailing in fasting and always be given health, always be enthusiastic, Stay Safe, Greetings #Belanegara!

(source: )

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