Announcement of UKT Payment and SNMPTN Re-registration for Prospective 2020 UPNVJ Faculty of Medicine New Students

In accordance with the Chancellor's announcement letter number: 13/UN61/PG/2020, it was announced to prospective new students of the Faculty of Medicine, Jakarta Veterans National Development University (UPNVJ) who were declared to have passed through the 2020 National Selection to Enter State Universities (SNMPTN) . Regarding the requirements for paying Single Tuition Fee (UKT) and Re-registration for SNMPTN UPNVJ, prospective Medical Faculty students are required to follow the following conditions:

1. Take a medical test, a medical test can be carried out at a local hospital adjacent to the prospective student's domicile. The medical test includes physical and spiritual health tests and not color blindness.

2. Upload a certificate of physical and mental health and not color blind (The medical test certificate is required to include a statement of physical and mental health and not color blind) The upload is done via the website register_ulang.html by logging in first.

3. After uploading a certificate of physical and mental health and not being color blind, UKT payments can be made no later than May 8, 2020 at 16.00 WIB through BNI Tellers, ATMs and Internet Banking. The payment guide can be seen on the website

4. Proof of payment for the Single Tuition Fee (UKT) will then be uploaded via by logging in first.

5. The time for carrying out the medical tests and motivational exploratory interviews to be held at UPN Veteran Jakarta will be announced later.

With this announcement, students who do not pass the medical test still have the opportunity to take the entrance exam for the SBMPTN or Independent Selection at Other Universities.

Thus we convey for your attention and cooperation, thank you

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