Come on, Increase Insight into Philosophy of Science & Scientific Reasoning for Lecturers

In the conditions of the Covid-19 pandemic, UPNVJ will carry out an online workshop via the zoom application, Saturday (27/4/20)

This activity was organized by the UPNVJ Learning Development and Quality Assurance Institute (LP3M), with the theme Consolidating Philosophical Insights of Science & Scientific Reasoning for Lecturers. This activity also presented one expert as a guest speaker, namely Indonesian Scholar and Philosophy Lecturer Dr. Jalaludin Rakhmat, M.Sc. This webinar will be divided into two sessions with different themes, namely the first session on May 4 2020, 09.30 - 12.00 WIB, with the topic: Why Science Needs Philosophy?. then the second session May 11 2020, 09.30 - 12.00 WIB with the topic: Logic & Scientific Reasoning.

participants can register via until 3 May 2020.

participants are limited to only 100 people and the committee provides e-certificates.



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