Important information! Changes to the 2020 UTBK Implementation Schedule

HumasUPNVJ - Quoting from the official website of LTMPT and, after previously the implementation of the Computer-Based Writing Examination (UTBK) and State University Entrance Joint Selection (SBMPTN) were postponed due to the Covid-19 outbreak, the Higher Education Entrance Test Institute (LTMPT) released a schedule and technical implementation of the latest UTBK.

Through the official website, LTMPT issued a new circular letter (SE) regarding Changes to the 2020 UTBK Implementation Schedule.

"Considering the national situation regarding the outbreak of Covid-19 and the Circular Letter of the LTMPT Implementation Team Number 09/SE.LTMPT/2020 concerning the 2020 UTBK Implementation Schedule which was postponed, the UTBK registration and UTBK implementation will still be carried out," wrote SE Number 11/SE .LTMPT/2020, Monday (6/4/2020).

Through the letter, there are 5 (five) things to change the UTBK 2020, namely:

1. The test material being tested is the Scholastic Potential Test (TPS).

2. Each participant is only allowed to take a maximum of 1 (one) test.

3. The test is carried out in 4 (four) sessions every day.

4. Registration for UTBK and SBMPTN by participants is carried out once/concurrently, participants must choose a location for the UTBK test center and choose a PTN and destination study program.

5. The 2020 UTBK SBMPTN Activity Schedule is as follows: UTBK and SBMPTN Registration: 02 - 20 June 2020 UTBK Implementation: 05-12 July 2020 SBMPTN Announcement: 25 July 2020

"Thus this Circular Letter was conveyed, thank you for your attention," concluded LTMPT.

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