Monitoring PJJ Effectiveness, UPNVJ Conduct Evaluation

HumasUPNVJ - As an evaluation step for the implementation of Even Semester lectures for the 2019/2020 Academic Year, which since the sixth session has implemented the Distance Learning (PJJ) system due to the impact of the spread of the covid 19 virus. Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Anter Venus through letter number B/508/UN61.1/ PK 01.03/2020 dated April 3 2020, conveying the Shift of Time for the 9th Session for PJJ evaluation.

In the letter it was written that the 9th lecture session from 6 to 11 April 2020 would be abolished to be transferred to the next session . This is done with the following objectives:

1. Evaluate the implementation of PJJ both by universities/LP3M and faculties.

2. Setting up a more effective PJJ format for faculties and getting feedback, especially from Edom which has been filled in by students.

3. Provide opportunities for lecturers to improve their E-Learning 4.0 capabilities/skills and reorganize their PJJ strategy.

4. Give time to lecturers to make corrections to assignments/quiz in sessions 6-7 and submit the results/give feedback to students.

5. Ensuring lecturers can reduce lecture assignments and replace them with teaching materials that are more interesting, accessible, varied (especially videos) and interactive by utilizing a combination of Elearning 4.0 and other media, especially social media.

6. The lecturer captures student aspirations regarding the PJJ format which is mutually agreed upon by paying attention to the accessibility of PJJ media by students.

7. Give students time to review materials and lecture assignments that have been received in order to gain a more thorough understanding.

Henceforth Session 9 can be replaced the following week. The final session of the 2019/2020 even semester lectures will take place on 2-6 June 2020.

It is hoped that with this implementation, students and also lecturers can evaluate the effectiveness of the Distance Learning that is being implemented.

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