Let's Listen! UPNVJ Lecture Schedule Changes During the Month of Ramadan

HumasUPNVJ - UPN Veteran Jakarta students, especially those who are Muslim, must have made various preparations ahead of entering the holy month of Ramadan. In this regard, the Deputy Chancellor for Academic Affairs at UPN Veteran Jakarta Anter Venus through his circular letter dated April 23 2020 conveyed a change in lecture times during the Month of Ramadan 1441 H in 2020.

Through circular letter number SE/41/UN61.1/2020 he conveyed changes to the lecture schedule as follows:

a. Session 1 (3 credits) Time: 08.00 WIB – 10.00 WIB

Session 2 (3 credits) Time: 10.00 WIB -12.00 WIB

Break Time: 12.00 WIB -12.30 WIB

Session 3 Time: 12.30 WIB -14.30 WIB

b. For faculties that have 4 lecture sessions, they must make adjustments to the provisions that lectures must end at 16.30 WIB.

From the change in schedule, it is hoped that students can remain effective in carrying out fasting and carrying out lectures.

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