Winning 1st Place at the National Level, UPNVJ Students Make Campus Names Proud


HumasUPNVJ - Students of the Faculty of Economics and Business, the Sharia Economics study program, should be proud, because they have again made achievements at the national level. With the aim of making the campus proud, these students competed in the Sharia Economics Advancement 2.0 event which was carried out by KSEI (Islamic Economics Study Group) Forum for Islamic Economics and Business Studies (ForSEBI) UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta.

They are Tasya Hadi Syahputri, Mae Mona Indriana and Shafa Aqilah, students of the 2018 class of the Faculty of Economics and Business, the Sharia Economics study program, won 1st place in the 2020 national writing competition.

The event which was held on 10 January - 22 April 2020 raised the theme "The Role of Islamic Economics in the Era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 in Facing the Economic Recession" and was attended by all universities, both public and private in Indonesia.

Through their scientific article and video presentation entitled "Optimizing Campus-Based Zakat Collecting Units (UPZ) as a Means to Empower the Community", the three FEB UPNVJ students managed to win the event.

The three of them managed to excel and become the best finalists at the 2020 National Level Call For Paper Competition.

To the UPNVJ public relations team, Tasya Hadi Syahputri as the team representative said that the background for making their article started from seeing problems in terms of zakat collection in Indonesia.

According to them, Indonesia is a country with the largest number of Muslims in the world, so the potential for zakat in Indonesia is definitely large. But unfortunately the potential for zakat is not in accordance with the receipt of zakat. There is a gap between the potential for zakat and the receipt of zakat. So, they proposed that universities also participate in collecting zakat through campus-based UPZ. Apart from encouraging zakat collection, campus-based UPZ can also create a scholarship program for underprivileged students. Besides that, campus-based UPZ can also be a place for student learning activities and a place for research for lecturers.

Tasya also briefly shared the process she experienced with the team during the selection stage.

"In this event, thank God, during the group selection process, we did not experience any problems. After going through the abstract collection selection process. From the collection of abstracts, the top 30 were selected. Passing the collection of abstracts, we proceed to the full paper stage. From this full paper stage, 10 teams were selected to advance to the final round. In the final round, we made a video presentation accompanied by a case study. After that, the top 3 were chosen and in the end we achieved the results we wanted, "explained Tasya to the public relations team.

Tasya also expressed hope from the results of the articles they had contested and did not forget Tasya to give advice to other fellow students to continue to be enthusiastic about achieving achievements even in the midst of the current conditions.

"For me personally, the hope is that the articles we have created can be useful for many people, especially for UPNVJ. I hope UPNVJ can consider creating a campus-based UPZ through our paper. And for my fellow students to stay enthusiastic in the midst of the current conditions, if there is an opportunity to be able to compete positively, you can follow it, so that we remain productive in various circumstances. Never be afraid to try because we will never know what we are capable of, if we fail it can be a lesson so that in the future we can learn to achieve the best results, “concluded Tasya.

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