Supporting Medical Personnel in Efforts to Handling Covid-19, UPNVJ Provides PPE Assistance

HumasUPNVJ - The availability of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is always decreasing every day. The lack of PPE in Indonesia is a serious problem in handling Covid - 19. But over time, there are lots of good people who have high concern so they can help medical staff by jointly providing support by distributing PPE in several hospital. One of them came from UPN Veteran Jakarta as the State Defense Campus, this assistance was a follow-up process from special presidential staff through the Indonesian State University Alumni Organization Association (Himpuni) to the UPN Veterans Indonesia Alumni Association (IAUPNVI).

Some of the hospitals that received assistance included, RS. Integrated Healthy Home located on Jl. Raya Parung KM 42, Kec. Kemang Regency Bogor West Java, Depok City Hospital, RS. soul dr. Suharto Heerdjan each received 35 pieces of PPE and 3 boxes of medical masks, while the RSU. Menteng Mitra Afia received 30 pieces of PPE and 2 boxes of medical masks. This assistance was prepared on Tuesday (28/04/20) and will be contributed today, Wednesday 29/04/20.



Head of the Research and Community Service Institute's service center, Ikhsan Amar said, "Hopefully our assistance can lighten the burden of medical personnel who are at the forefront in handling the pandemic outbreak that is currently happening in our country, hopefully this pandemic will pass soon." Ihsan said


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