Distance Learning Fulfillment Standards in the UPNVJ environment

HumasUPNVJ - In order to fulfill Distance Learning (PJJ) within the UPN Veteran Jakarta environment, the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Anter Venus through his letter no: B/514/UN61.1/WA.00.00/2020 conveyed several standards for fulfilling PJJ.

Following up on the UPN Veteran Jakarta Chancellor's circular letter no: 29/UN61..1/2020 concerning Determination of the Distance Learning Period (PJJ) within the UPN Veteran Jakarta environment, the standards for fulfilling Distance Learning (PJJ) are jointly conveyed as follows:

1. PJJ activities are carried out according to the lecture schedule

2. The implementation of PJJ (during the covid 19 pandemic) is still guided by the applicable Semester Learning Plan (RPS) and if difficulties are found in its implementation, the lecturer can make several adjustments in terms of learning achievement.

3. The university has established the E-Learning 4.0 (E 4.0) platform as a learning application used within the UPN Veteran Jakarta environment. For fathers and mothers who have difficulty using the platform , they are still allowed to use the Google Classroom or Chamilo platforms by reporting the use of these platforms to the Head of their respective Study Programs.

4. PJJ standards within the UPN Veterans Jakarta environment are determined using the RAF ( Resources, Activities , and Feedback ) principles with the following explanation:

  1. Resources are learning resources or provision of learning materials uploaded to the network which include modules, power point presentations (ppt), urls/links of teaching materials, videos or journal articles and the like.
  2. Activities are interaction activities between lecturers and students which are carried out in a structured way in the form of discussion forums, video conferences or other interactive activities.
  3. Feedback is feedback that is conveyed by lecturers to students in the form of quizzes, assignments, chat, input, comments or other responses individually to students to assess learning outcomes.

5. Every lecturer who implements PJJ is required to report PJJ activities that he/she is carrying out to the Chair of the Study Program/Head of Academic and Student Affairs Subdivision (Mikmas).

6. Monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of PJJ is carried out periodically by the Learning Development and Quality Assurance Institute (LP3M).

7.LP3M stipulates fulfillment of PJJ standards based on RAF criteria with the following assessment weights:

  1. Resources weight 30%
  2. Activities weight 50%
  3. Feedback weight 20 %

This information is conveyed to be used as a guideline for managers and all lecturers in the implementation of Distance Learning within the UPN Veterans Jakarta environment.

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