Becoming a Covid-19 Volunteer, KSR PMI UPN Veterans Jakarta Unit Trying to Break the Pandemic Chain

HumasUPNVJ - One of the problems that is causing concern in the world today is the Covid-19 pandemic. KSR PMI UPN Veterans Jakarta Unit, as one of the Student Activity Units (UKM) operating in the Red Cross, has contributed as a volunteer in making efforts to break the chain of the spread of the pandemic. This activity was carried out on March 18 2020, and is scheduled for the end of May 2020, or until this pandemic subsides.

Together with PMI City of South Jakarta, the KSR PMI UPN Veterans Jakarta Unit dispatched several of its personnel to spray disinfectant liquid at various points of housing, buildings, schools, places of worship and public facilities. Apart from that, health promotion was also carried out and distribution of Clean and Healthy Lifestyle kits (PHBS kits ) was carried out to help the community in terms of maintaining health as a self-defense effort to prevent contracting Covid-19.


(PHBS kit distribution on 21/04/20)

The PHBS kit contains equipment such as masks, hand washing soap, and pamphlets containing information about Covid-19. The distribution by the KSR PMI UPNVJ Unit has been carried out nine times in April 2020 in the South Jakarta area. This PHBS kit can also be used to help people affected by Covid-19 to be able to live a clean and healthy life during a pandemic. In addition to PHBS kits , basic food distribution is also being carried out which is expected to be able to alleviate the community's needs during this pandemic. The distribution was carried out on 04 May - 06 May 2020 in the South Jakarta area.


(Distributing groceries on 05/05/20)

Mingling in the community who are in the red zone of Covid-19 is a valuable experience for KSR PMI UPN Veterans Jakarta Unit. The community is also very enthusiastic about the additional assistance and education regarding Covid-19 which teaches them to be more careful in their activities in the midst of a pandemic and steps to take if they start to feel the symptoms of the virus.

The contribution of the KSR UPN Veterans Jakarta Unit as a volunteer is a manifestation of the principles of red cross, namely humanity and volunteerism. In addition, this activity is the implementation of the third point of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, namely community service. With this it is hoped that we can all maintain our own health and can remind each other to be careful in our activities. Let's fight Covid-19 and be today's young volunteers.


(PHBS kit distribution on 13/04/20)

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