Halal Bihalal Virtual UPN Veterans Jakarta


HumasUPNVJ - First in history, Eid Al-Fitr which is always held together with friendly gatherings directly by the wider community by shaking hands with one aim to forgive each other and purify oneself from mistakes so far. However, it is different from the previous year due to the Covid 19 virus which is currently spreading, most Indonesian people hold virtual gatherings, the same as what UPN Veteran Jakarta did.

UPN Veterans Jakarta Chancellor Erna Hernawati invited UPNVJ's staff and the entire extended family to a virtual halal bihalal which was held on Monday, May 25 2020.

On the second day of Eid, the Chancellor invited the entire UPNVJ extended family to have a virtual visit. In his remarks he also said that even with the current limited conditions, I hope the door of forgiveness will be open without limits to forgive each other.

"There is something different from the previous year where we had a friendly gathering in the previous year together at our beloved campus. However, this year it has been almost 3 months since the situation has changed and we did not imagine that this could happen before because of a dangerous outbreak, namely covid 19. Where we are doing everything at home and right now we are doing friendship at home via virtual. Even though the current method does not reduce the benefits of being friendly and the door of forgiveness is wide open, "said the Chancellor.

He also said, Covid 19 cannot beat us even in a situation like this, because in fact with this situation we get extraordinary wisdom, one of which is that we can carry out gatherings faster than last year, we can carry out on the second day of Eid where in previously we carried out on the seventh day of Eid, could gather at any time with family, and improve the quality of our worship.

The Chancellor also added "on this special occasion, I hope that all of us will open our hearts to be able to forgive each other, especially me and other leadership apologies if in carrying out our duties and saying something offends us, I hope we can all forgive" said the Chancellor.

Not only the chancellor, the chairman of the UPNVJ senate, Prof. Dr. Med. dr. Frans Santosa also added "Hopefully in having a fitri day this year, we will get a lot of time with our family, hopefully this can add to our enthusiasm to get through this pandemic," he explained.


Prof. Dr. Med. dr. Frans Santosa also conveyed that as we know, the virus that is currently spreading is a very dangerous virus. He said that this virus does not only attack the lungs as a means of breathing, but also attacks blood vessels and can cause blood vessel clots in almost all blood vessels. because he appealed to the UPNVJ extended family and the wider community to get used to exercising at home, maintaining stamina and body immunity, drinking enough water, sunbathing under the sun for a maximum of 30 minutes.

He also expressed his pride to the UPNVJ academic community because of their enthusiasm to continue to be active in activities during the pandemic.

"One thing I also need to convey is my pride for UPN Veterans Jakarta friends, I see that online seminar activities continue to be carried out both nationally and internationally, this is very proud. In the midst of the current conditions, it does not diminish the enthusiasm of colleagues to continue to be of benefit to students and the wider community," he said.

He hopes that the situation will improve, we can all meet and carry out our activities as usual.

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