Handover of Assistance for the Prevention of Covid 19 by the Chancellor of UPNVJ to the Dean of Health Sciences

HumasUPNVJ - UPNVJ has a very high concern in efforts to prevent the transmission of the Covid-19 virus or Corona Virus, especially to all academicians.

Reporting from detiknews.com , the number of positive cases of the Corona virus in Indonesia confirmed by the government has now increased to 14,032 cases as of May 10 at 16:00. To prevent the transmission of the virus which is increasing day by day, today Monday 11 May 2020, UPNVJ is providing assistance to academics and employees of the Faculty of Health Sciences who work/intern/practice at Teaching Hospitals during the Covid-19 pandemic. The assistance provided is in the form of; 300 pcs of Hazmat Suits, 48 pcs of Face Shields, and 18 bottles of Hand Sanitizer.




The handover of aid was given symbolically by the Chancellor of UPNVJ Dr. Erna Hernawati accompanied by the Deputy Chancellor for Finance, Dr. Prasetyo Hadi received by the Dean of Health Sciences, Dr. drg. Wahyu Sulistiadi, located at the UPN Veterans Jakarta Campus.

The Chancellor of UPNVJ hopes that the assistance provided can be used properly and distributed responsibly.

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