Ramadan Study with Prof. Dr. KH. Nazaruddin Umar, MA, raised the theme of interpreting the wisdom of the Covid 19 pandemic

HumasUPNVJ - The holy month of Ramadan 1441 Hijriyah which is entering the 18th day of Ramadan, where Muslims compete to do good activities so that their rewards can be multiplied later. To fill the month of Ramadan, this time the Mosque Prosperity Council (DKM) of the UPN Veteran Jakarta Manbaul Ulum Mosque is holding an online Ramdhan Study, on Monday (11/05/20).

With the theme "Understanding the Wisdom of the Covid 19 Pandemic" this study went smoothly with up to 200 participants attending, including students, lecturers and education staff.

Different from the previous routine studies, this time the DKM Manbaul Ulum Mosque UPN Veteran Jakarta presented Prof. Dr. KH. Nazaruddin Umar, MA who is the High Priest of the Istiqlal Mosque as well as the founder of the Nasaruddin Umar Office (NUO).


In this case, UPNVJ Chancellor Erna Hernawati was very happy to be able to attend and listen to the study delivered directly by the high priest of the Istiqlal mosque. The Chancellor also hopes that the participants present can understand and learn lessons from what will be delivered.

"Thanks for Prof. Dr. KH. Nazaruddin Umar, for his time and knowledge which will be shared with all of us. Hopefully we listeners can understand and learn lessons to be shared with families at home so that it can be useful for all of us," said the Chancellor as the opening of the study forum.

At the beginning Prof. Dr. KH. Nazaruddin Umar, told how the plague or virus had struck since the time of the Prophets, the calamities that occurred did not only affect unbelievers but all people of the world, because whatever comes to us, good or bad, is a warning that Allah SWT gave to his servant.


Prof. Dr. KH. Nazaruddin Umar also conveyed how we as humans behave in the face of disaster, by always thinking positively about disasters that come.

"We have to be friends with the disaster or enjoy the disaster that comes (humans never want themselves to be born but birth cannot be rejected. Consequently birth is life and every life itself is suffering. There will never be anyone who is free from suffering, even though there is no also people are free from happiness) because life is a long series that promises suffering and happiness, "he explained.

This is also seen as the same as some religions, the eschatological view in Islam views this world as an open place for happiness, which in the end whatever we plant is what we will harvest in the future.

He also said “if we want to be winners, don't be afraid to face challenges, this is also motivation for students. Intelligent people always enjoy suffering, they will always rise when they fall with the belief that history has not ended.

The holy month of Ramadan is the month where all the wonders of the world occur. The occurrence of this epidemic will be a great lesson, it's good if we address the problem intelligently, it doesn't need to be excessive, so don't be a factor that our country doesn't work together.

He also reminded "I want to remind all of us that there is a disaster that brings happiness behind it, because if Allah SWT allows His servant then later we will be led to very terrible torment by Him. Nauzubillah," he said.

With the spread of Covid 19, one of the lessons is that there is cohesiveness among people and hopefully when this pandemic ends we will still be united people.

The study, which took place in two directions, also invited the participants to be able to ask questions directly, one of the questions was how to respond to people who secretly perform the last prayer and Friday prayers, so is it wrong to continue worshiping from home?

Prof. Dr. KH. Nazaruddin Umar said "Be smart about religion, we need to go to the mosque and it is obligatory during normal circumstances. We don't need to feel guilty because the reason we didn't go to the mosque also came down because of an epidemic that was passed down or had been arranged by Allah SWT. Our position is in the red zone so just follow it because Allah SWT doesn't like it when we plunge into disaster on purpose.

He also explained how so that we as humans can sincerely accept the calamities that come, according to him we can start by doing a deep understanding of Islam, for people who are close to Allah there is no difference between disaster and happiness, there are 2 wings, wings of gratitude and wings of patience if both are strong then the person will enjoy real life.

The lessons we can learn in the midst of the disasters that hit this country, with the epidemic that continues to grow, we are required to remain grateful, patient and take care of each other. Being grateful for circumstances will enable us to enjoy life at this time, with patience we can protect ourselves from falling into disasters and by taking care of each other will protect us and our families from diseases or epidemics that are developing at this time.

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