Let's see the results of a direct interview about the PTN New Student Admission System Pattern in the Covid 19 Pandemic Era

HumasUPNVJ - Through a live interview with the Chief Executive Officer of LTMPT Prof. Budi Prasetyo W, in the PrimeTime MetroPagi Program, last Thursday (07/04/20). Public Relations of UPN Veteran Jakarta can cover a number of important things related to the PTN New Student Acceptance System Pattern in the Covid-19 Pandemic era.

The interview was conducted at 05.30 WIB and several questions were asked for Prof. Budi Prasetyo:

1. Regarding the PSBB period, what will the process for entering new students be like at this time?

In principle, LTMPT will assist chancellors in selecting state universities, with current conditions, there are 3 entry routes provided, namely:

- The SNMPTN results have been announced on April 8 and the results for each PTN have 20% of the capacity and a total of 96,496 people have been accepted

- State Entrance Examination with abnormal conditions at this time so that several things are being carried out with predictions that are currently developing, the UTBK process will be carried out on 5 - 12 July 2020 with registration on 2 - 20 June 2020, with implementation using the pattern outlined by the covid 19 task force or the covid 19 protocol, this will be carried out in all state universities, including keeping the computer distance from one another will be taken into account. And the results will be announced on July 25, 2020.

Because there are many PTNs whose independent selection uses the UTBK value, this year's UTBK must be carried out under various conditions.

2. How are the parameters used for students who pass or do not pass?

As one must re-understand, the current conditions are abnormally different from last year, this year several changes have been made, including:

- register UTBK and SBMPTN as one unit.

- Participants are only allowed to take part in the selection once.

- If last year the participants immediately got the score first as transparency, the current conditions are not possible so that the UTBK scores will still be given to the test participants, but the time can coincide with the announcement of the SBMPTN or 2 hours after the announcement of the SBMPTN.

3. Social Sciences and Sciences majors are divided, but this year only the TPS test is being conducted. How is the assessment done?

Returning to conditions that are not normal, we have conducted several studies, students from the Science major are allowed to choose any study program, either from the same PTN or different PTNs, either Science or Social Studies, meaning that my apologies are conveyed to the Social Sciences major if you want to take the science study program has a fairly high failure rate based on our studies, the TPS score includes 4 subjects that have clustering and the weighting that we do for the assessment entering the study program.

4. How are the current infrastructure, seeing from the past through online there are some obstacles?

From year to year we try to improve LTMPT, this year we have asked students to create an LTMPT account because seeing from current experience we can see and calculate the number of applicants and the estimated number of those who pass.

This year there are more than 1 million LTMPT accounts, from there we can predict what percentage of the participants will pass the SBMPTN route.

We have also asked the UTBK center to maximize the tests within each campus. Even if there are partners who can adjust permission from last year's evaluation, we can run this a week in a row with two sessions, a morning session and an afternoon session.

The interview video can be viewed in full on the page https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pq6JejJzD-U&feature=youtu.be

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