Preparing Graduates Who Are Superior in His Era, Rector's Purpose of Holding a Webinar "Strengthening Philosophical Insights of Science & Scientific Reasoning for Lecturers"

HumasUPNVJ - The UPNVJ Learning Development and Quality Assurance Institute (LP3M) recently held a web and online seminar by presenting one expert as a resource person, namely Indonesian Scholar and Philosophy Lecturer Mr. Dr., Jalaludin Rakhmat, M.Sc.

The activity with the theme "Consolidating Philosophical Insights of Science & Scientific Reasoning for Lecturers" was held on Saturday (27/04/20) and was attended by around 220 participants including lecturers from various universities in Indonesia.


In the webinar conducted by LP3M UPNVJ, Chancellor Erna Hernawati said "One of LP3M's tasks is to explore and develop an educational model that is in line with the university's vision and mission. Graduates who excel in today's era must have comprehensive, multidimensional, critical and objective thinking. And this target is quite a heavy target that is entrusted to us lecturers, but after all this is a demand that is needed by our graduates to get involved in society ".

"With the increase in scientific development and rapid industrial development, it seems that we have to prepare graduates to be ready to enter the era when they graduate. So our job is to prepare any provisions for them to be ready for all conditions. We also have to prepare to have the skills to think about a problem in depth and critically and be able to communicate their ideas in an informative manner. If they already have a coherent and systematic mindset, then they can absorb the knowledge that existed in their era. And we, the lecturers, must first understand how to convey learning in a systematic pattern by knowing the philosophy," said the chancellor.

Erna Hernawati also expressed her hope that the knowledge from the activities carried out could be as well understood as possible so that later it could be useful by channeling it to students as well as the wider community.

"My hope is that we can continue to participate in this useful activity, with the aim that whatever we receive at this time can be absorbed and can be useful for students as well as the wider community," he concluded.

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