Take Care of Student Mentality During #DiRumaAja, UPNVJ FK Students Hold Online Events


HumasUPNVJ - It's been more than a full month that the people have to obey the rules for #DiRumahAja, they're a bit bored, they feel bored and have approached all levels of society. However, productive and fun activities while #DiRumahAja can reduce or even eliminate the boredom and boredom that comes your way.

As we know, during the Covid-19 Pandemic, not only regulations for #DiRumahAja, regulations for learning from home have also been implemented. With the Distance Learning Concept (PJJ), all learning is online or online based.

However, it seems that in the Distance Learning process many are experiencing problems, such as: internet quota is running out quickly, assignments are piling up, unable to study in groups because they have to #DiRumahAja, causing students or students to tend to be stressed and experience a decline in mental health.

On this basis, UPN Veterans Jakarta Faculty of Medicine students who are members of the Campaign organization invite students and students in Indonesia to take part in an Online Event with the theme "Distance Learning Is Healthy for Student Mentality? (Lecturer and Student Perspective)", by presenting resource persons Dr. dr. Ria Mariua Theresa, SpKJ UPNVJ Deputy Chancellor for Student Affairs and Cooperation and Habibul Fuadi Hanif the founder of the PantiGoceng community who is an outstanding student from the Faculty of Agricultural Technology IPB.

This online event will be held on:

Day/ Date : Saturday, 16 May 2020

Time : 14:00 – 16.00 WIB

Media : Google Meet

RSVP : http://bit.ly/EO_CA3

Don't forget to download the Campaign Application too and take part in the #IndonesiaAgainstCorona challenge, because there will be 3 winners who are entitled to get prizes from the Champs!

Invite your friends too! Because it will be more exciting if the sharing is busy and the insights that will be obtained will also be more.

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