UPNVJ Holds Competition on National Education Day

The lecture period is the most appropriate way to prepare Indonesia's golden generation in the future. One way to increase the enthusiasm for work and achievement for the nation's children is to train them to compete with others so that they can have high competitiveness with other countries in the future.

There are many choices of activities that can be used as a reference to foster the enthusiasm of young people. One of them is by scheduling the "Innovation Challenge" event in which there are various branches of competition.

The purpose of this implementation is to increase the creativity of young Indonesians, increase the fighting spirit of UPNVJ students, strengthen the bonds of brotherhood among students, train individuals who are independent and responsible for Indonesia in the future. the theme of this activity is "Being Creative is a way of Life". In this competition there are three categories that are contested, namely making socialization videos, making designs, and making robots or smart applications. following terms:

  1. Make socialization videos with the following theme choices:
  • UPNVJ against Covid-19
  • The dangers of smoking in the UPNVJ environment
  • Go Green Culture (No littering, waste recycling etc.)
  • Energy saving
  • Honesty/Integrity
  • Plagiarism
  • Care about the future
  • Be a creative human
  1. Create Design
  • Activity Certificate Design
  • UPNVJ 60th Anniversary Design
  • UPNVJ Merchandise Design (T-shirts, stickers, goodybags, key chains, nametag hangers, etc.)
  1. Build robots or intelligent applications
  • Robot Innovation Competition
  • Smart Application Innovation Contest
  • Technology Innovation Competition related to covid 19

The design and video submission deadline is Thursday, May 14 2020 by sending it to UPNVJ's public relations email, namely humas@upnvj.ac.id. The winners will be given the following awards:

  • Making socialization videos/robots/smart applications: 1st, 2nd, 3rd place: Rp. 2,000,000 ( First Winner) , Rp. 1,500,000 (2nd Place) and Rp. 1,000,000 (3rd Place).
  • Making Designs 1st, 2nd, 3rd Winner: Cash worth Rp. 500.000,- for the competition: (Activity Certificate Design, UPNVJ 60th Anniversary Design, UPNVJ Merchandise Design (T-shirts, stickers, goodybags, key chains, nametags, etc.).


  1. The competition is open to active UPNVJ students
  2. Video specifications:
  • it can be short films, vlogs, music videos, parodies or other types of videos
  • .mp4 or .mov format
  • Minimum resolution of 1280x720 pixels
  • Maximum duration is 3 minutes
  1. The video does not contain SARA and does not violate applicable laws/rules
  2. Participants can submit more than 1 video
  3. Assessment criteria:
    1. conformity with the type/form of the video chosen (short films, vlogs, documentaries, etc.);
    2. suitability of the substance with the theme;
    3. taking angles, moments, lighting; And
    4. creativity.


  1. UPNVJ active student
  2. The logo/design must represent UPNVJ's philosophy as a State Defense Campus
  3. Can submit more than 1 design
  4. Attach the text of the logo/design concept in pdf format, containing a description of the meaning of the logo/design made and the color code specifications on the logo/design.
  5. Assessment criteria :
  • Originality of work: 15%
  • Logo/design application on various media : 25%
  • Logo/design relevance to UPNVJ philosophy : 40%
  • Aesthetic element : 20%


  1. Participants can be individuals or teams consisting of 3 active UPNVJ students.
  2. Willing to comply with the conditions set by the committee.
  3. Participants must make robots/applications according to a predetermined theme, the contents of the application content are in accordance with the solutions made by participants.


  1. Videos/designs/robots/intelligent applications submitted are personal/group original work and participants must be fully responsible for the submitted work
  2. Videos/designs/robots/intelligent applications that are submitted become the property of the committee and can be freely used in the framework of activities within UPNVJ.
  3. The committee and the jury are not responsible for anything regarding the Video/Design/robot/intelligent application that is sent if there is a claim for ownership/copyright of some/all parts of the design sent and other things that cause loss with value or without value for participants and other parties.
  4. The committee has the right to disqualify the participant's video/design/robot/intelligent application before and after judging if they are deemed not to meet the requirements.
  5. Participants are deemed to have agreed to all the requirements stipulated for the Video/Design/robot/intelligent application work submitted.
  6. The winner of the Video/Design/robot/intelligent application contest will be determined by the jury and will be announced on August 17 2020 and the jury's decision is final and cannot be contested.

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