UPNVJ Receives PPE Assistance from the Ministry of Education and Culture

HumasUPNVJ - In order to deal with the national disaster of the covid 19 outbreak which is still spreading to this day, the UPN Veterans Jakarta Faculty of Medicine received Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) assistance from the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud), last Friday 15/05.

Reporting from Bisnis.com, the Ministry of Education and Culture's support through the Directorate General of Higher Education is a concrete step as a form of increasing the capacity of Covid-19 volunteers and a form of synergy and mutual cooperation that the Ministry of Education and Culture will continue to improve.

The PPE assistance given to UPNVJ was received directly by the Deputy Dean for General Affairs and Finance at the Faculty of Medicine, dr. Abdul Kolib., MH.

From the report submitted by Abdul Kolib to the UPNVJ public relations team, PPE will be distributed soon but will be coordinated first with the hospital in question.

"The distribution will be carried out immediately, but we will coordinate with the relevant hospitals first," he explained.

Abdul Kolib said that later this PPE would soon be distributed to the UPNVJ teaching hospital. The hospitals targeted included Pasar Minggu Hospital, Friendship Hospital, Soeharto Heerjan Hospital, RS. Tk. I Bhayangkara Said Sukanto, Ambarawa Hospital, Margono Soekarjo Hospital and FK UNDIP.

Abdul Kolib also reported the number of PPE received by FK UPNVJ, namely 960 units of Hazmat Suits, 120 boxes of masks, 1200 medical gloves and 480 units of boots.

We all hope that this concrete step can help medical personnel as the frontline and enable us, the wider community, to work together to quickly end this pandemic.

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