UPNVJ Facing the Pandemic by Maximizing PJJ with the RAF System

HumasUPNVJ - Change of face-to-face lectures to distance lectures at UPN Veteran Jakarta starting from Monday, March 16 to March 21 2020 as a trial phase, then on March 23 2020 fully holding Long Distance Lectures (PJJ) until the set deadline Then. For this reason, Faculty and Study Program leaders are asked to provide the support needed by lecturers to be able to organize PJJ. This change was made in order to be aware of the spread of the Covid-19 virus, which is increasing in number day by day. In principle, UPNVJ has made e- learning mandatory for every lecturer since two years ago. UPNVJ requires two sessions in the RPS (Semester Learning Plan) for each subject to conduct e -learning .


UPNVJ Public Relations had the opportunity to conduct an online interview (18/05) with the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Anter Venus regarding this Distance Learning, "Learning is essentially a two-way interaction between lecturers and students, that has been the mandate of the law. So even through e-learning it must remain interactive as well. It is indeed quite hard to encourage all lecturers to use interactive features on the UPNVJ e-learning 4.0 platform that we have provided. But in my opinion, the Covid-19 pandemic has finally become an entry point to condition lecturers to carry out interactive distance learning (PJJ). At the beginning of the trial on March 16-21 2020 during the trial period, even during the first full week of PJJ implementation, it turned out that quite a lot of people were still using e-learning just to upload assignments. This ultimately forced us to use a measuring tool, namely RAF ( Resources, Activities and Feedback) to assess compliance with interactive PJJ standards. With this standard, each lecturer is assessed whether they meet the minimum standard or not, which is a score of 70. We give a value of 30 Resources , Activities (+ tasks integrated in discussing material) 50, and 20 feedback . So if you just upload material and chat like normal, then the value means 30 + 20 means only 50. This we warn that their lectures do not meet the standards. But if they upload material and also interact through discussion forums or video conferences , their score will be 50+30 = 80, which means they have been fulfilled. What's more, if you do a Quiz or give a response/ feedback , their score will be 100. This is our real target. But it's not bad that the results of monitoring and evaluation at the end of April show that the average score for fulfilling the PJJ standard is 70-80, meaning that the lecturer has started to have good interactions in lectures." Obviously Anther Venus

"For us, the pandemic situation and the imposition of learning from home do not mean that the quality of learning is neglected. We are committed that even though the situation is not normal and we face many obstacles to achieving learning objectives ( learning outcomes ), we must adapt well to this situation. The effectiveness and quality of learning must still be maintained. Even though we cannot achieve 100% learning objectives, especially for courses that involve a lot of practicum, we still try to achieve them as much as possible. If possible 70-80% we are already grateful. Even if in July the pandemic has started to subside, we intend to make patches from the lack of competency that month. Hopefully". I hope

There were several obstacles that occurred during this pandemic, many student activities such as internships and thesis trials were carried out online suddenly, "Currently most of the internships have been stopped because Jakarta has imposed Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) which are still in effect today. Many agencies have temporarily suspended this activity. Some of the internships that are already running are being carried out online. We ourselves are still looking at the possibility of a full apprenticeship via remote. We treat some of the students who are involved as volunteers for Covid countermeasures as internship assignments. Including students who do internal internships in UPNVJ work units that we do online . We have actually been doing online skipsi guidance since last year. Our next graduation could be done online too. Like several universities that have also done it.” he continued

"In principle, campuses cannot give up in a pandemic situation like this. Because this is a challenge that must be overcome. The task of educating and educating the nation's children must still be carried out in earnest amidst the various constraints and limitations that exist. I think of the jnj pandemic as a new stepping stone to a new normal situation where we adopt online learning as a new way of life. So this is an opportunity.” Obviously Anter Venus at the end of the interview.

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