Webinar on Opportunities and Collaboration Plans for UPNVJ with SES (Senior Experten Service) Germany

HumasUPNVJ - As part of planning for cooperation with the Senior Experten Service (SES), a German non-provincial institution, UPNVJ held a Webinar activity moderated by Asep Kamaluddin and attended by UPNVJ Chancellor, Warek, Head of Institution, Head of Bureau, Deans, Wadek, Kajur, Head of Study Program and attended by around 45 participants which was held on Wednesday, 27 May 2020.

The webinar was opened with remarks by the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Dr. Anter Venus, "Since becoming a State University, UPN Veteran Jakarta has been trying to make real transformations in various fields including starting to make internationalization efforts. Since becoming a PTN, UPNVJ has been trying to make serious transformations in various fields, including starting to make internationalization efforts. We can see that the new UPNVJ vision and mission explicitly states a commitment to developing international cooperation networks. We have done this international cooperation effort with various institutions. And in our opinion, the opportunity to cooperate with Germany's SES ( senior expert service ) is an opportunity that can strengthen these internationalization efforts. Especially with the availability of experts who are ready to be sent to various countries reaching 4000 experts each year. They come from various disciplines, consisting of experts in almost all disciplines ranging from applied to theoretically oriented. We can use it for all study programs from diploma to postgraduate programs. Venus said


"The university hopes that every study program will take advantage of this opportunity. So we ask each study program/faculty as soon as possible after this meeting to carry out an assessment of what expert needs are needed and then explore the available expert data and be able to immediately submit it immediately and then submit it to the UPNVJ international cooperation office.” he continued

"We can use this activity for various purposes, starting from curriculum development, development of learning models, research methods to content of lecture modules." Close Venus


UPNVJ Chancellor, Dr. Erna Henawati also hopes that this collaboration can improve the quality of UPNVJ for the better.

Bambang Susanto as the RI- Hamburg Consul General for the period March 2018 - March 2020 explained at a glance about SES, "SES is a non-profit organization which is mostly funded by the German Ministry of Foreign Cooperation (BMZ), Representatives have totaled 180 Representatives, Experts totaled 13,000 Interdisciplinary Experts, Projects of 3000-4000 Experts are sent annually to all over the world”. Obviously


Adam Pamma, SES- Country Representative of Indonesia also explained a number of things about Germany, "Germany is one of the largest exporting countries, a population of around 83 million people, the world's immigrant mecca (DIN), free education, world reference vocational education, handling covid 19 no. 2 in the world version of DKV.global. In addition, ABG ( Academic Business Government ) Germany is also very good, Academic : gets the second largest funding in R&D as a source of data in Germany, Business : Gets the largest funding in R&D In its development it adapts the results of academic/researcher research, Government : In making decisions look at academic and industry data.

Collaboration Process: Proposals (Realistic, Brief, Concise), Schedule of Activities (Structured, Transparent, Responsible), Requests (Avoiding, Scientific Writing Training & International Seminars), Contacts (International Offices and PIC per project ". explained Adam.

The activity was followed by a discussion and question and answer session.

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