Institute of Research and Community Service (LPPM) of UPNVJ Holds Journal Accreditation Training 2020

Public Relations Team – In order to develop the quality of UPNVJ’s journals accreditation, Institute of Research and Community Service (LPPM) conducted Journal Accreditation Training, which are carried out through Google Meet, it was attended by approximately 75 participants, on Friday 17 July 2020.

LPPM UPNVJ invited Prof. Dr. Rajab Ritonga as the speaker, in his presentation he explicated many things, related to the accreditation requirements, "1. Online Publication (OJS) 2.  Have E-ISSN (International Standard Serial Number) 3. Has been published for at least 2 years continuously 4. Have a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) ​​5. Publish a minimum of five articles each time it published. Publication of paper or manuscripts must be: a research result, edited and reviewed legitimately, and apply a decent language". Defined Prof. Rajab 

"For Abstracts, please use short sentences, apply 100 to 200 words, containing the objectives, methods, research results, conclusions, and implications. For Indonesian articles, abstracts come in Bahasa Indonesia and English, For English articles, abstracts come in English only, which followed by: keywords with minimum of 3 and maximum of 5, keywords must be pointing out important terms in the article and not common words, keywords should be solid, brief but clear, written in 1 paragraph, and should not put reference/picture/table.” He continued. 

The activity proceeded with question and answer session and discusiion afterwards.

 LPPM UPNVJ menghadirkan Prof. Dr. Rajab Ritonga sebagai pembicara, dalam paparannya beliau menjelaskan banyak hal, terkait syarat akreditasi, “1. Terbit Online (OJS) 2. Punya E-ISSN (International Standart Serial Number) 3. Sudah terbit minimal 2 tahun secara terus menerus 4. Memiliki DOI (Digital Object Indentifier) 5. Menerbitkan minimal lima artikel setiap terbit. Naskah yang diterbitkan harus naskah: Hasil penelitian, Diedit dan direview dengan baik, dan Menggunakan bahasa yang baik”. Jelas Prof. Rajab

“Untuk Abstrak, Kalimat singkat → 100 s.d 200 kata, memuat tujuan, metode, hasil, kesimpulan, implikasi, Artikel bahasa Indonesia → abtrak Indonesia dan Inggris, Artikel bahasa Inggris, absrak boleh bahasa Inggris saja dilengkapi:  Kata kunci maksimal 5, minimal 3, Kata kunci: istilah penting dalam artikel → bukan kata-kata umum, Kata kunci: padat, singkat tetapi jelas, Ditulis 1 paragraph, Tidak ada acuan pustaka/gambar/table”. Lanjutnya

 Kegiatan dilanjutkan dengan sesi tanya jawab dan diskusi


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