Innovative Internship of UPNVJ Communication Studies Students Appreciated by DKI Regional Government

HumasUPNVJ - In order to carry out student obligations in carrying out Field Work Practices, final semester students of Social Sciences at UPN Veteran Jakarta, Tsabdany Tzara and Namira Tasya carry out a Communication Audit in government agencies to be precise at the Bureau of Organization and Bureaucratic Reform of the Regional Secretariat of DKI Jakarta Province. The internship process which lasts for 40 working days is used as well as possible to practice the knowledge that has been obtained during college.

Internships are usually known to only be filled with work that is usually done at the apprenticeship. This time it was carried out differently by the two of them, they applied the knowledge learned in lectures at the institution where they did their internship. The Audit presentation activity which was held on Tuesday 8 September 2020 through the zoom application began with remarks given by the Deputy Chancellor for Academic Affairs at UPN Veteran Jakarta Mr. Dr. Inter Venus MA. COMM, "For decades, by involving thousands of students who have apprenticed within the Regional Government of DKI, this is the first time that student internships have been highly appreciated. This appreciation was given to two UPNVJ Communication Studies students Tsabdany Tzara and Namira Tasya who successfully answered the challenge of the head of the DKI Jakarta Regional Secretariat Organizational and Bureaucratic Reform Bureau to do an internship so that they were able to produce innovations that are useful for improving the governance of DKI Jakarta provincial government organizations. On behalf of UPNVJ, I would like to thank the DKI Jakarta Provincial Secretariat Bureau of Organization and Bureaucratic Reform for providing opportunities for our students to be able to gain experience, apply knowledge, and explore how the real world of work is in the real environment, especially from the aspect of communication. Venus stated that the internship model carried out by the Provincial Government of DKI is in line with the professional internship model currently being developed by UPNVJ which is aimed at providing practical experience of the real world of work in accordance with the scientific fields pursued in this way, so that the internship activities can increase competence according to the initial objectives of the student internship " . Definitely Venus

"The Field Work Practices that we are designing are professional in nature, from the results of our data collection. Many internship activities are wasted, even though the level of competence is far from what was done during the internship. Do not let miss competence occur because there is not enough space to apply the knowledge that has been obtained. The future curriculum is an independent campus curriculum where students are given space to do internships not only for one month but for six months, because when they do an internship for six months they are like working for 5 days according to the credits they have taken.” he continued

The presentation was carried out using a hybrid presentation , namely online using Zoom Cloud Meeting as well as an offline presentation in meeting room 1 Building G City Hall Bureau of Organization and Bureaucratic Reform of DKI Jakarta Provincial Secretariat. The presentation was carried out in front of all employees of the Bureau of Organization and Bureaucratic Reform of DKI Jakarta Provincial Secretariat, including the Head of Bureau, Head of Bag, and Head of Subag and other employees.

The presentation was closed by giving a symbolic communication audit report document which was received directly by Ms. Iin Mutmainah as Head of Bureaucratic Organization and Bureaucratic Reform Bureau of DKI Jakarta Provincial Secretariat.

The UPNVJ Public Relations team had the opportunity to conduct an online interview with Tzara and also Namira, in the interview Tzara and Namira told about their reasons for implementing street vendors at the Regional Secretariat of the DKI Jakarta Province, "Internships in government agencies have a special interest for us, especially about how dynamics and communication flow work in the Bureaucratic Organization and Reform Bureau of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Secretariat, especially in the midst of the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. In the end, that made us choose to volunteer in digging up all the knowledge and looking for experience in order to apply the knowledge we got at the UPNVJ lectures.” he said

They also shared about the obstacles they experienced during the street vendors' implementation, "It would have been normal if the apprentices had no problems. However, let us tell you, what happened at the beginning of the process of implementing the internship activities, we were asked to look for problems in the Regional Secretariat of DKI Province. Then, we prepared a research plan such as collecting data through observation (how is the working climate culture and communication patterns among employees at the Organizational and Bureaucratic Reform Bureau) and distributing questionnaires online using Google Forms to collect the data. After we managed to collect the data, so that it is better illustrated, we continued to make a video tutorial on how to work on a communication audit, as well as a brief explanation of the questions in the 8 dimensions of a communication audit. However, this is where the obstacles are experienced, due to the implementation of a work system with a capacity of 50% of the number of employees, this makes us need more time in the process of collecting data, both observations, online questionnaires and video tutorials. We also tried to explain and get guidance through direct interviews so that, it was illustrated how the initial organizational culture and communication patterns between employees at the Bureau of Organization and Bureaucratic Reform of DKI Jakarta Provincial Secretariat. And in the end we succeeded in interpreting and visualizing the data obtained both online and in person according to the organizational culture in the Organizational and Bureaucratic Reform Bureau of the DKI Jakarta Regional Secretariat.” Said Tzara and Namira

As Tzara and Namira know, they also do street vendors in the midst of a pandemic but that doesn't discourage them, they are even willing to go in every day while adhering to health protocols according to government directives, “Previously, we were offered to carry out internships using the WFH and WFO work systems. . However, bearing in mind the implementation of the internship, which is for 40 working days, we decided to come to the office every day at 08.00 - 15.00 WIB by following the health protocol. As a consideration when carrying out the communication audit process to obtain optimal data. We are also required to follow health protocols in preventing the spread of Covid-19. For example, bringing our own drinking water bottles, before entering the city hall building, our temperature is measured and we are required to wash our hands first and are required to wear masks during internships to minimize the prevention of exposure to the Covid-19 virus. Obviously

Before closing the interview, Tzara and Namira advised their #belanegara friends to focus on choosing the place for the street vendors later, "Master the material or courses that you think will help in implementing street vendors in the future, start looking for relationships and focus on the destination where the street vendors will be held. Mastery of lecture material can help you in carrying out assignments or work given by the agency where you are street vendors. Not only does it help with the work provided by the agency where you carry out the street vendors, but you can also apply lecture materials in the environment where the internship takes place. You also have to be more active and independent as well as dare to ask questions and prepare all the necessities needed in the internship activities carried out. Establish intense and continuous communication relationships and behave well during the internship environment, in order to maintain the good name of our university.” Close them.




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