Strength, Justice, and Legal Truth Determine the Future of the Nation


Reporting from Koran Jakarta – The selection of law enforcement officials who have good integrity, morals and ethics must start from the leadership level with the hope that he will appoint officials under him who also have commendable credibility. With such a model, strength, justice and legal correctness can be upheld, so that it will also determine the future of the nation.

It is hoped that clean officials will make improvements from top to bottom , so that they will be effective in eradicating the practice of jungle law, which so far has been frequently carried out by law enforcement officials.

Apart from that, externally, the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) is expected to monitor and take action against law enforcement officers who clearly break the law. If the selection of officials with integrity is accompanied by strict supervision as a unit, then Indonesia can become a developed country.

Indah Dwi Qurbani, a legal expert from Brawijaya University in Malang, told the Jakarta Newspaper , Tuesday (8/9), said that the selection of high-level officials in legal institutions needs to prioritize the factors of integrity, honesty, and ability to place the right ranks to support agency performance.

"To improve our legal face, the election of senior level officials is one of the keys. The basic capital needed is to have a character with integrity and honesty," said Indah.

In addition, to improve the ranks, the official concerned must have the ability to put the right person in his position or the right man in the right place who will help him make improvements to the bottom.

If this condition is not corrected and left unchecked, what will happen is that the condition of this nation will totally collapse . In the BLBI case, for example, the perpetrators of the BLBI robbers are friends with all the authorities, so it is difficult for this country to recover and in the end it can go bankrupt.

Separately, UPN Veteran Jakarta Law Faculty Criminal Law Observer, Beniharmoni Harefa, said the current condition of law enforcement in Indonesia is still very concerning. In fact, money can be used as a springboard to be free and avoid legal entanglements in Indonesia.

Beni believes that it is necessary to improve the structure of law enforcement from top to bottom so that leaders set a good example in implementing integrity, morals and ethics to their subordinates.

Beni quoted the words of a Dutch criminal expert named Taverne who stated that a good law in the hands of a bad apparatus will also become a bad law. "In the hands of good officials, even bad laws can be enforced," said Beni quoting Taverne's statement.

According to him, the current way to clean up is to build a legal system, in this case the structure (law enforcement officers) from top to bottom. It takes a leader with integrity, morality and ethics so that the law can work and be enforced properly," Beni told Koran Jakarta , Tuesday (9/9).

It doesn't stop there, said Beni, in cleaning it also requires law enforcement officials who have integrity, morality and ethics as well so that the results are more effective.

"Like a fish, if it's rotten it starts from the head. If you want it clean, cut off the head first. The role of the KPK (Corruption Eradication Commission) is also very significant in law enforcement, especially corruption or bribery, because the KPK is more independent, and is given special authority by law," said Beni.

Apparatus Behavior

In line with Beni, Parahyangan University Criminal Law Specialist, Agustinus Pohan, also agreed that reforms from top to bottom should be carried out. "For a long time, problems with law enforcement in this country have been caused more by the apparatus factor," said Agustinus.

Improvement should start from the top because until now there has been no significant change.

Meanwhile, Trisakti University Criminal Law Specialist, Abdul Fickar Hadjar, said that the Corruption Eradication Commission as a law enforcement agency was deliberately born as an independent institution with special targets for criminal acts of corruption committed by law enforcers and state administrators.

"So, it's like a broom, it has to be the cleanest," said Fickar.

He emphasized that if there are commissioners who play games by using their positions to get public facilities and live in luxury, it is very wrong, because in the end they will fall when faced with financiers who can afford justice.

Previously, the Executive Director of the Center for Budget Analysis, Uchok Sky Gaddafi said that in order for Indonesia to rise and get out of economic pressure, especially due to debt burdens, the government should uphold truth, justice and legal certainty.

The state's obligation is to intervene legally against institutions that are not based on law that is on the side of truth and prioritizes kinship.

As a country based on law, it is only natural that the President takes action against efforts to abuse the law by officials who damage the political, social and economic life of the community. "If the law has been corrupted, it will be difficult for the country to rise," he said. SB/ola/fdl/E-9

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