UPN Veteran Jakarta Officially Establishes Center for Internalization and Management of State Defense

HumasUPNVJ - On September 9 2020, at Plaza Soemari UPN Veteran Jakarta, the inauguration of the Establishment of the Center for Internalization and Driving of State Defense Management was carried out within the UPNVJ environment. This center will emphasize non-physical State Defense. The point is that every citizen has the right and obligation to participate in efforts to defend the country, regardless of profession. Interestingly, this event was attended by many entrepreneurs via Zoom.


As an opening, the Chancellor of UPN Veteran Jakarta expressed his pride to AB Susanto who is currently one of the UPNVJ Professors because he was willing and created work to continue to uphold and increase the value of Defending the Country within the UPNVJ environment.

State Defense Management is defined as the Management of the state and its citizens which is planned with the right strategy for optimum results, has a real and sustainable impact through the "9 Main Elements of Defending the State" so that the country becomes strong, resilient and stable against external and internal threats both physically and internally. ideological. The nine elements are sovereignty, security, food security, energy security, education, culture, health, employment and information and communication.

The purpose of establishing the Center for Internalization and Driving of State Defense Management is not to emphasize making studies but to internalize and mobilize State Defense based on the concept of National Defense that has been prepared by Lemhannas, to internalize the concept of State Defense based on the elaboration of the concept of National Defense in dealing with challenges and threats in the present and in the future. the future, formulating a State Defense strategy for the nation and state of Indonesia and formulating steps to implement the State Defense strategy.

On that occasion, the Governor of Lemhanas RI, Lt. Gen. (Purn.) Agus Widjojo witnessed the ribbon cutting and signing of the inscription. The guests of honor, including Prof. Bondan Tiara, Director General of Pothan of the Indonesian Ministry of Defense, Maj. Gen. Rudianto, Professor of ITB Prof. Purnomo, Pancasila Ideology Development Agency, Rikard Bagun, Prof. Roy Darmawan, College of ASEAN Studies - Guangxi University for Nationalities, Moderator and WAPERMED Kompas Tri Agung Kristanto Daily.


In his speech, Agus Widjojo also advised "the inauguration of the Center for Internalization and Activation of State Defense Management at UPN Veterans Jakarta. This inauguration marks the meeting of two strategic elements that will synergize with each other. on the one hand the name AB Susanto already has a reputation as an expert in strategic management, on the other hand this name is applied to an institution that has a strategic role that carries out the management function of State Defense. I am sure that the two elements will synergize to complement and strengthen each other in order to underlie the performance of the Center for Internalization and Driving the Management of State Defense for Defending the Country in the future.”

According to Agus Widjojo in "mapping State Defense, we also need to place it anatomically by making a distinction between State Defense, defense of state security, defense and resilience. national resilience is a condition as well as a conception of national development in achieving the goals and ideals of the nation. as a condition National resilience is a dynamic condition of the nation that contains the resilience and tenacity and ability of the nation to develop national strength in facing all kinds and forms of threats, challenges, obstacles and disturbances, both coming from within and outside, which threaten and endanger the integrity, identity and survival of the nation. life of the nation and state.

He also added "to put State Defense based on the concept of national security, we should not ignore that national security is an aggregate of the gatra resilience which is the basis for analysis in Lemhannas RI, which consists of geography, natural resources, demography as a relatively static element as destiny." us as a nation, with ideological, political, economic, socio-cultural as well as defense and security elements as five dynamic elements from the demographic dimension," explained the Governor of Lemhanas RI Agus Widjojo.


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