Happy! FEB UPNVJ Again Wins A Predicate for D3 Finance and Banking Accreditation


HumasUPNVJ - Great news has come again from the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), after conducting a re-accreditation visitation for the D3 Finance and Banking Study Program, they managed to get an A predicate with a score of 374 which was set on Tuesday, October 6 2020.

Even though re-accreditation is still being carried out online, it has not diminished the enthusiasm of the D3 Finance and Banking study program teams to achieve jointly targeted results.

On the occasion, the Head of the D3 Finance and Banking Study Program Siti Hidayati, SE, MM submitted her report. He recounted the process carried out by the accreditation team who experienced many obstacles but still tried their best to achieve mutual success.

"This is Re-accreditation of the D3 Finance and Banking study program, which BAN-PT provides an opportunity for study programs that have not received an A grade to re-accredit, using 7 standards, because in 2021 accreditation will use 9 criteria. The D3 Finance and Banking Study Program took advantage of this opportunity, then formed an accreditation form team in early 2019 using the 2017/2018 TS and immediately sent it to BAN PT.

"Suddenly in January 2020, there was a new provision that study programs that will take part in re-accreditation must change their TS to 2018/2019, in just about 1 month we corrected the forms again because at the end of February 2020 the forms must be uploaded to BAN PT. it was quite tiring, because we had to correct the forms based on data for the 2014/2015 to 2018/2019 academic year for about 1 month," said Siti Hidayati.

In this re-accreditation there are 7 standards that must be met which include organizations in the study program, human resources, curriculum to research and learning that are required to meet the standards imposed.

All processes must have obstacles in their implementation plus the pandemic period where face-to-face meetings and communication cannot be carried out.

"We are used to storing documents in physical form, which means we need physical documents and a large document storage area (can be 2 large tables). suddenly we are required to scan all documents, so the documents have to be disassembled and scanned one by one. This definitely requires energy to work on, and requires highly capable human resources to file documents on an easy-to-find drive with easy-to-remember file names”

"During online implementation, the head of study program must be accompanied by an assistant who will display the documents available on the G-drive. between the head of study program and the Asrot presenting the soft files must be of the same mind and in line, because when the head of study program starts answering the assessor's questions, the Asrot must have the speed to display documents in accordance with what is being explained by the head of study program. The assessor will see the speed with which the document is presented by the head of study program. This is done to provide the assessors with the convenience of viewing documents," said Siti.

Siti Hidayati as the Head of the D3 Finance and Banking Study Program, has also started to target what she wants to do in the near future in order to maintain the accreditation title.

“In the next five years, the study program must maintain its accreditation value. In the next 5 years, the accreditation assessment will use 9 criteria. Each activity must carry out PPEPP (Determination, Implementation, Evaluation, Control, Improvement). The output of each activity is very important. So after this accreditation, the study program will prepare and implement it according to PPEPP standards so that in the next 5 years it is ready to maintain its accreditation value. Lecturers and students must also be prepared, because the output must reach an international level," he explained.


Siti Hidayati also expressed her gratitude and pride for what she had achieved and provided motivation to other faculties to be able to achieve the desired target to jointly achieve achievements for UPN Veteran Jakarta.

Start Archiving Documents in the Form of Soft Files Properly and Orderly,

Accreditation begins to be carried out every day so that when the forms are prepared, the stories in the forms will flow according to what we have done, and during the implementation of accreditation the documents will be available.

“Assessment of accreditation is not only from the study program side, but from the faculty side it also has a fairly high value contribution, so that the cooperation and cohesiveness between study programs and faculties must be very well established, especially university policy documents which will be handed down to the faculties and then run by the study programs. , must match. Accreditation of study programs involves many parties, as described in each standard. The study program cannot stand alone. Without support from stakeholders, it is impossible for the study program to get an A grade.


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