Announcement of Implementation of Even Semester Learning during the Covid – 19 Pandemic Period by the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture

HumasUPNVJ - The Covid – 19 pandemic has not subsided, there have been many complaints from students and students. Therefore, the government has drawn up a Joint Decree with the Minister of Education and Culture, Minister of Religion, Minister of Health, and Minister of Home Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia regarding Guidelines for Implementation of Learning in the 2020/2021 Academic Year and 2020/2021 Academic Year during the Covid-19 Pandemic.

The activity was opened by Ainun Na'im as the Secretary General of the Ministry of Education and Culture on live YouTube Kemdikbud explained that, "Based on the evaluation of policy implementation that has been carried out together with ministries and agencies as well as coordination and discussions with various stakeholders in the field of education. Even though distance learning has been well implemented, it has been too long since face-to-face learning has had a negative impact on our students. Considering this, the government drafted a Joint Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture, Minister of Religion, Minister of Health, and Minister of Home Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia regarding Guidelines for Organizing Learning in the even semesters of the 2020/2021 Academic Year and 2020/2021 Academic Year during the Covid-19 Pandemic. ”. Obviously Ainun

Kemenko PMK, Agus Sartono said, "Based on the results of the survey, there are more than 68 million students affected by Covid-19, so they have to carry out distance learning. Indonesia is not the only one, because there are more than 188 countries that have experienced something similar. PJJ does have its own challenges from various regions, the government realizes that the PJJ decision is a difficult decision but must be taken because it prioritizes the health of students. This decision cannot be separated from the commitment that we have made together to continue to synergize and establish harmonious coordination. We hope that each regional government will be able to provide support for the implementation of the SKB Four Ministers by conducting outreach to the community as often as possible. he said


The activity continued with an explanation from the Minister of Education and Culture, Nadiem Makarim, "Even though face-to-face learning in the green zone is permitted, there are still many education units that are still learning from home. The longer face-to-face learning does not occur, the greater the negative impacts that occur on children, including the threat of dropping out of school, constraints on child development, and psychosocial pressure and domestic violence. Show Nadiem


Nadiem explained many things related to this new government policy, especially related to face-to-face learning policies that have been allowed, "Starting in January 2021, face-to-face learning policies are permitted but we will still leave full permission and responsibility to the parents/families of students. This face-to-face learning must also pay attention to health protocols. We also really hope for the support of each government in all regions.” Close it

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