Free Campus Curriculum Workshop 2020 FISIP UPNVJ

HumasUPNVJ - Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UPN Veterans Jakarta held a Free Campus Curriculum Workshop. This activity presented representatives of the Deans from three other State Universities including, UPN Veteran East Java, UPN Veteran Yogyakarta and Gajah Mada University which was held online on November 2 2020.

Anter Venus as the Deputy Chancellor for Academic Affairs opened the workshop with his remarks, "The focus of my discussion is to talk about understanding in the implementation of this curriculum. study program For us, we will make the best use of the Merdeka Campus program.” Venus said

Dudy Heryadi, the Dean of Social Sciences explained about the preparation of the Merdeka Campus curriculum that was implemented at the Faculty of Social Sciences, "In 2019 FISIP UPNVJ has started to create a new curriculum to respond to the industrial revolution, but then in 2020 the KKM appears, so there is a readjustment between the curriculum that has been made and the KKM. . Currently there are 2 curricula running, 2020 students use KKM, 2019 students use the old curriculum. Furthermore, in 2021, the plan is to implement a full KKM for all classes. Said Duddy

Prof. Erwan Agus Purwanto as the Dean of Fisipol UGM as well as the guest speaker for today's workshop explained several things related to the importance of Independent Learning on an Independent Campus, "MBKM is very important, considering that currently there are implications for technological disruption, Automation and Tech Robotics which are taking over almost all fields of work. The emergence of hybrid jobs : jobs that require several skills , because of that MBKM is very important to encourage the skills that graduates need to have. Preparation of MBKM in institutional and scientific domains that need to be prepared, namely Institutional: Univ and Dean Levels, and Scientific: Departmental Level with the Curriculum Team, consisting of Labs and Study Programs. Obviously

The activity was then followed by a discussion and question and answer session


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