LP3M Holds Pekerti and Applied Approach Training for UPN Veteran Jakarta Lecturers


HumasUPNVJ - Center for Learning Development LP3M UPN Veteran Jakarta in collaboration with the Center for HR Development Institute for Research and Community Service (P2SDM LPPM) Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) held Character Training and Applied Approach for UPN Veteran Jakarta Lecturers at the Aston Bogor Hotel, on Monday (02 /11/20).

In front of 55 people including UPNVJ lecturers and IPB representatives, UPN Veterans Jakarta Chancellor Erna Hernawati delivered her remarks online, she conveyed that lecturers are the spearhead in producing quality graduates, so before carrying out their duties to educate students, lecturers must be ensured as qualified lecturers. quality. Because the main task of lecturers must be able to transform, develop, and disseminate science, technology, and art through education, research, and community service.

"To become a quality lecturer, firstly it is shown by the ability to master the scientific field, this has become a minimum qualification, where lecturers must be qualified in their scientific field, updates follow scientific developments, one of which is by achieving studies at the doctoral level and academic positions as professors and even when This is in addition to formal education, ministerial regulation demands that lecturers are not only qualified in scientific mastery but also demands that lecturers have recognition of their knowledge. This shows that the lecturers currently expected are lecturers who not only understand theoretically but are also equipped with practical experience and even recognition from external parties in the expertise they have, "explained the rector.

This activity is a form of UPNVJ's commitment to achieving higher education goals in accordance with Law Number 12 of 2012 concerning Higher Education which explains the development of potential students to become human beings who believe and fear God Almighty and have noble character, are healthy, knowledgeable, capable, creative, independent, skilled, competent and cultured for the benefit of the nation, producing graduates who master the branch of Science and/or Technology to meet national interests and increase the nation's competitiveness; as well as for the attainment of UPNVJ's vision in particular, to produce graduates who are competitive, innovative and have the identity of Defending the Country.


The Basic Instructional Technique Skills Improvement Program (PEKERTI) for young lecturers and the Applied Approach (AA) program for senior lecturers are two training programs that can be utilized in order to increase the professional competence of lecturers and especially to improve pedagogical skills. As a lecturer, it is mandatory to have three basic abilities, namely the ability to design learning processes, evaluate learning and carry out learning effectively.

"Apart from the default, the lecturers are qualified and updated in the scientific field. What is no less important is that lecturers must really understand how to carry out their duties and responsibilities as lecturers. Lecturers function as educators, teachers, must really understand the essence of carrying out the profession as a lecturer. Must really understand pedagogical science, the essence of educating, even psychology, not just a matter of mastering learning technology. Technology is only a tool so that learning can be conveyed more effectively, "added the chancellor.

The Chancellor hopes that the material presented will encourage increased mastery and understanding of professional responsibilities as a lecturer and most importantly what is obtained in this workshop will be implemented by the lecturers in carrying out their duties as lecturers. So that from the teaching and learning process the lecturers are able to produce generations who have noble character and have an academic mindset, are open minded, have the ability to learn independently for life and skills in the industrial era 4.0.

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