PROSPEKTIV Week Four, Discuss Brain Based Learning with Dr. Anther Venus, MA., Comm


HumasUPNVJ - Saturday, November 7 2020, the fourth week of implementation of the Stimulus, Learning, Ethics, Collaboration, Creativity Program (PROSPEKTIV 2020). This week with Dr. Anter Venus, MA., Comm who is also vice chancellor for academic affairs at UPN Veterans Jakarta, PROSPEKTIV raised the theme of "Brain Based Learning".

Participants were not only new UPN Veterans Jakarta students, but also students from UPN Veterans East Java, UPN Veterans Yogyakarta, Palangkaraya University and Nusa Cendana University.

In his remarks, Dr. Dianwicaksih Arieftiara, Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business UPNVJ said that students must be grateful for the provision provided, this is done so that students with the current distance learning system can maximize the absorption of knowledge and maximum learning outcomes.


"This morning's debriefing is definitely very useful with the knowledge and experience of this morning's speakers, for us to be able to maximize the potential and how our brains work so that in the future we can remain optimal in distance learning," explained Dianwicaksih.

On this occasion Dr. Anter Venus wants to dissect how the human brain works when absorbing learning, from thousands of years ago with different generations the brain has a different weight with changes in diet so the size of the human brain has development.

Data The human brain weighs approximately 1.5 kg, 78%, 10% fat, 8% protein, 100% billion neurons, 1 trillion glial cells, 1000 trillion synaptic junction points, and 280 quintillion memories.

"We use it as learning, if you do new learning there will be neural pathways, so if you always do new learning, learn new skills, the neural pathways will increase in number," said Dr. Anther Venus.


By knowing how the brain works we can improve our learning abilities and develop our potential by understanding how the brain works. The brain works by building Neruological Pathways (interconnections between Neurons), the brain has unlimited learning abilities, the number and quality of synaptic connections affect intelligence, the structure of the human brain is different, humans have different potentials and talents, so this is proof that the structure of the human brain has differences.

The brain works by making connections between neurons, which the resource person explained through a short video film that shows how the brain works.

In the second discussion Dr. Anter Venus conveys the learning principle of the human brain by doing Movement, Eating, Relaxing and Resting then there are Multisensory, repetition and Rich (enrichment). Focus, Activate, Visualize, CONCRETE and Organized which is abbreviated as FAVORITE MUSIC FAVORS.

By doing movements that can increase blood flow to the brain, increase mental activity in certain parts of the brain, movement and body position affect the hormonal aspects that support learning, this can free clotting in blood vessels.

The human diet is an important factor in the learning process as foods containing omega 3 such as fish, buffalo meat, deer and others are good for the biochemical wiring of neuro transmitters or the brain. The brain also needs to rest or fall asleep. This will give the brain the opportunity to focus on thoughts. During sleep, the brain replays learning experiences or activities that have been carried out. At bedtime, the situation is very good for us to instruct the brain to find solutions to our problems.

Stressed brains can't learn together with relaxed conditions creating new ideas. New ideas can be created in various circumstances when we are relaxed but still thinking.

Multisensory , namely learning with the senses that are used to strengthen the learning process. signals supplied from these various senses will speed up response, can improve accuracy, improve stimulus detection, enrich coding during learning.

Doing repetition, namely learning repetition, this will make you able to master something. Always thinking concretely will also make it easier for us to understand something because it can be immediately identified.

The way the brain learns by activation is by challenging the brain with games, learning something new to build new neuron networks and programming our brains to solve problems.

In addition, the way our brain learns by organizing information and visualization is a very useful technique for acquiring new skills and forming new behaviors. Enrich with pictures or enrich the environment with learning partners or other tools around us.

A two-way activity that will provide opportunities for students to discuss directly with the resource persons even though it is carried out online. It is hoped that this discussion will open up the way the brain works and start opening up new challenges for our brains to stimulate or create new stimuli.


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