UPNVJ Student Students Successfully Receive Grants from Kemenpora

HumasUPNVJ - Talking about a pandemic that never ends, many things have been passed with feelings of sadness, especially in the world of education. Students and students are required to study at home for almost two semesters through distance learning (online – in the network). However, the feeling of sadness that is felt is still accompanied by a burning enthusiasm to do productive things, of course.

As one of the steps to reduce the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the economic sector, the government through the Ministry of Youth and Sports (Kemenpora) has prepared a capital assistance scheme for young entrepreneurs who want to start or develop a business. The Indonesian government's official website, Indonesia.go.id , informs that the Ministry of Youth and Sports is preparing 500 capital assistance packages this year for the program. This program is valid during the 2020 fiscal year. Assistance will be given directly to young entrepreneurs whose proposals are considered feasible and meet the requirements. ( https://tirto.id/condition-register-help-wirausaha-muda-pemula-dari-kemenpora-2020-f4yH )

Among the many young entrepreneurs who were selected to receive Kemenpora grants, there were several UPN Veterans Jakarta students who also succeeded in receiving the grant, including: Dewi Tri Ambarwati, Muhammad Fiqri Alfayed, and Rifqi Chairul Umam.


The UPNVJ Public Relations team had the opportunity to conduct online interviews with the three, in the interview, Dewi, Fiqri and Rifqi talked about their respective business processes, "The process of obtaining grants from the Ministry of Youth and Sports is by attending entrepreneurship lectures held by the Ministry of Youth and Sports in collaboration with UPNVJ through the platform zoom after the entrepreneurship lecture was held, UPNVJ made a canvas business model training and after the canvas business model training was completed, students were directed to submit a canvas business model from the business we had created. The canvas business model that has been made is re-selected and as many as 10 people who are accepted will then be submitted to Kemenpora. After that there is the next stage, namely carrying out interviews and presentations at the Ministry of Youth and Sports. From this selection, three people were obtained who managed to get grants. Obviously Fiqri represents Dewi and Rifqi

"When asked about the ups and downs in the process of selecting grants from the Ministry of Youth and Sport, there are actually a lot of them, but among those many things, of course, the joys are the most, we can gain experience and gain a lot of relationships and learning to become a young, novice entrepreneur. If you are sad, when you attend training and interviews, it usually clashes with class hours and you have to work on proposals when college assignments pile up, but over all, we can get through it.” Said the Goddess

"My message and hope, I hope that more and more of my fellow students will actively participate in this activity. I also want to convey to my friends, that semester 7 is not the end of the struggle to continue to realize the dreams of all my friends on campus, as long as there are opportunities then try as much as possible and don't easily complain because the process is long, just enjoy the process after the process the. Because the results will not betray the long process. Close Rifqi

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UPNVJ Students Officially Receive 2020 RI Kemenpora RI Young Entrepreneurial Capital Assistance