Webinar Behind The Success (BTS) #2: “Youth Become Diplomats: From Classrooms to Reality”

HumasUPNVJ - On Saturday, November 21 2020, the UPN Veteran Jakarta FPCI Chapter conducted a webinar ( web seminar ) as part of the continuation of the Behind The Success work program. As previously reported, this webinar itself is the second webinar edition of the Behind The Success program, and carries the theme of youth with the title "Youth Become Diplomats: From Classrooms to Reality". This webinar presents two external speakers, namely Neta Cynara Anggina, S.Sos. and Farras Ghaly, S.Hub.Int. which is a functional diplomat of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia. Also present were the best speakers from the big family of FISIP UPN Veterans Jakarta such as Dr. Bambang Susanto, MA, a lecturer at the UPN Veterans Jakarta FISIP International Relations Study Program, and Raden Haikal Dhikananda, an active student of International Relations at FISIP UPNVJ who has been known as a student who is active in various activities related to diplomacy.

During its implementation, all webinar participants began to be able to enter the virtual room (Zoom) for the Behind The Success #2 webinar event at 12.45 WIB. At 13.00 WIB, the master of ceremony (MC) of this edition of the Behind The Success webinar , namely Tarisa Nurahma (a member of the UPNVJ FPCI Chapter ) started the event. The event itself was opened with a procession singing the songs Indonesia Raya and Mars Bela Negara by all participants, speakers and the committee. After the procession, there were remarks delivered by the Behind The Success webinar Project Officer #2 Zoltan Shaquille Pranasyah Jenie and the President of the UPNVJ FPCI Chapter Muhammad Daffa Halin Ananda as a welcome from the UPNVJ FPCI Chapter extended family to all webinar participants and resource persons. With the end of the session, the entire implementation of the opening of the Behind The Success #2 webinar has been completed, and the event session continues with webinar activities. The one who served as the moderator for the webinar was Nazaruddien Agus Salim Putra Angkotasan (a member of the UPN Veteran Jakarta FPCI Chapter).


During the webinar activity, the first speaker was Dr. Bambang, who has provided interesting and comprehensive material on diplomacy and the diplomat profession. According to Dr. Bambang, the diplomacy carried out by the Indonesian nation was originally aimed solely so that the Indonesian nation could stand without having to take sides and become the target of the interests of giant countries that competed in the Cold War. Indonesia is not an object determined or contested by other countries, but as a subject in the international system that is free to determine its national goals. At that time, it was like "rowing between two rocks", Indonesia had to ensure that the United States and the Soviet Union could not dictate the foreign policy of the Indonesian nation. At this time, our foreign direction is like rowing on many rocks because the international system is no longer bipolar between the US and the Soviet Union, but is multipolar and multidimensional. In addition, he also explained diplomatic functions such as politics, economics, socio-culture, consular, defence, education and culture, trade, immigration, labor, customs, prosecutors, and so on, and also conveyed various interesting information about the profession What kind of diplomat must be prepared to reach and live the profession.


The next guest speaker, Raden Haikal, explained about the UKM at UPNVJ which he had formed, namely the Veterans Conference . At first, Raden Haikal formed the Veterans Conference to improve English language skills among UPNVJ students. Raden Haikal explained systematically about MUN (Model United Nations) . Apart from that, it was also explained that Raden Haikal had been an apprentice at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and he explained about internship opportunities abroad, where people who are willing must prepare costs. Raden Haikal also explained his internship experience at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, starting from updating information on domestic issues, relations with Indonesia and others.


The third speaker was Neta Cynara Anggina, S.Sos., a functional diplomat of the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In her presentation, Neta explained issues in the diplomatic world, starting from issues of high politics to low politics . It was also explained that seeking sponsorship could answer concerns about costs for participating in activities off campus or abroad. Neta also said that the world of diplomacy is not a masculine world, considering that the world is already filled with female diplomats. Then, Neta also explained about the Ministry of Foreign Affairs' CPNS process, which consisted of three stages. The first stage includes Basic Competency Selection, Field Competency Selection, and interviews. The second stage includes psychological tests and medical tests. The third stage is the preparation of language skills. Then, Neta also explained that there is a Foreign Service School (Sekdilu) which functions as a special school for prospective diplomats to mature their diplomatic skills before actually plunging into the world of diplomacy. Then, Neta explained that behind the life of a diplomat who is considered glamorous, there are important and crucial things that are being done. A diplomat must be able to write speeches and conduct research brilliantly. A diplomat must be able to deal with domestic media and international media in a good and balanced manner. Diplomats will take care of banquets, aesthetics, protocol, and other matters that are in the diplomatic world. Neta provided a clear description and expectations for participants who are enthusiastic about the diplomatic profession.

The fourth and final speaker is Farras Ghaly, S.Hub.Int., a functional diplomat from the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs who is also a colleague of Neta. Continuing what Neta previously explained about the CPNS of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Farras added several things such as general formations and special formations that contain cum laude students. Farras also said that the diplomat profession is not only filled by students majoring in international relations. Farras added that he worked at the Directorate of American and European Intra-regional and Inter-regional Cooperation (KSIA AMEROP), where the agency maintains relations with regional organizations such as FEALAC, MERCOSUR, CARICOM, and others. According to him, a diplomat must be able to take care of administrative needs, protocol, chancellery, and media handling . Based on his experience, Faras said that the world of diplomacy provides many benefits such as increasing knowledge especially on global issues, making himself open to many things, giving him the opportunity to carry the name of Indonesia and become part of Indonesia's foreign policy, and of course being the main servant for citizens. Indonesian abroad.

After all the speakers have finished presenting the material, the direction of the webinar continues to the Questions and Answers (Q&A) session. The moderator invited the selected participants to ask directly to the sources of their choice regarding the presentations they were bringing. It was noted that the first question came from Al Bahits from UPNVJ who asked Neta and Farras whether participation in MUN and prestigious conferences was an important point in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs' calculations in selecting candidate diplomats, or would acceptance only depend on three stages of the test that only. To answer this question, Neta said that there was no requirement that you have to attend MUN or international conferences because that was a personal choice, but according to her experience, these things were very helpful at the interview stage as additional material to convince interviewers from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Neta said that applicants did not have to have international experience, and said that experience at the national level such as participating in paper competitions or others was also very helpful and a determining factor in selection. Farras agreed with Neta's words, and said that MUN and international experience were not the only determining factors, but emphasized that these things were important. Based on the experience of his friends at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the majority of them have no MUN experience except for those who have graduated from international relations. Faras then said that participation in organizations and activities outside the campus curriculum would always be taken into consideration by the panelists in interviews.

The second question was asked by Fiqi from Semarang State University to Dr. Bambang. Fiqi Fauzi asked the duties and functions of the KUAI (Charity of Business Ad Interim), and whether this position was different from that of an Ambassador. Dr. Bambang explained, it must be understood first that there are KUAI and KUT (Permanent Authority). The second level in the bureaucratic hierarchy is not equivalent to that of an Ambassador, because he is a minister (the second highest tier before the Ambassador) and the KUT position which is the only one in the world is in Madagascar. Dr. Bambang explained that when the Ambassador is not yet available or is leaving the accreditation area, the KUAI will become the temporary representative authority holder until the Ambassador is back in position. Dr. Bambang gave an example: For example, an Indonesian Ambassador in Germany is leaving for Austria, the Ambassador will write a letter to assign a minister to become KUAI. Some authorities cannot be exercised by KUAI. In addition, Dr. Bambang also added about the concept of "down to earth diplomacy" by President Jokowi, where he said that the achievements of diplomats would be counted. This concept also generates high economic and social productivity abroad because it includes the implementation of the Nawacita and Trisakti concepts. He continued, this is related to Aspirational Foreign Policy : namely how the country's political, economic and social aspirations can be accommodated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In closing his answer, Dr. Bambang said that diplomats don't just wear ties, as Neta and Farras have said before. This job requires a 24/7 commitment. Diplomats must be able to understand domestic dynamics, and must be innovative and responsive. According to Dr. Bambang, diplomatic communication styles such as facsimile are no longer relevant, and use a faster platform such as the WhatsApp social network. Dr. Bambang advised that the younger generation must always improve their quality in the context of understanding the state. According to him, the idealism factor in diplomats is also important. and Dr. Bambang said that there were different challenges between diplomats in his generation and the current generation.

The third and final question came from Cakra from UPN Veteran Jakarta, who asked whether there were opportunities for students who did not graduate from International Relations and Literature to become diplomats, bearing in mind that the international knowledge learned by non-International Relations graduates may not be as extensive as that possessed by International Relations graduates. . Farras replied that the opportunity for non-HI graduates to qualify to become diplomats is very large as long as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs opens the selection for the department. Farras said that many of his friends who came from the literature and communications department still passed the selection, because in the selection process they only competed with friends according to their respective majors. With such a system, Farras said that the opportunity is wide open. Neta then added that HI graduates at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs would collaborate and complement each other with non-HI graduates when carrying out their functions as diplomats, because indeed they were all recruited by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs because their services were needed. Therefore, Neta advised non-HI graduates not to be discouraged in registering.

Finally, the conclusion drawn by the moderator for the entire series of events. Dr. Bambang was present to provide an explanation of the theoretical profession of a diplomat and also to explain a bit of his experience while serving at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Raden Haikal was here to explain the experience and lessons he got as a student majoring in International Relations and its relation to the diplomat profession. Neta and Farras were here to share knowledge regarding procedures and advice in becoming a diplomat, the system and workings of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the diplomat profession in its practicality, and their experiences as diplomat functions.


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Increasing Knowledge About the World of Diplomacy, FPCI UPNVJ Chapter Holds Webinar “BTS #2: Diplomat Edition”

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