Anter Venus Talks About UPNVJ's Anxiety Regarding the Bustle of the Cyber World


HumasUPNVJ – In commemoration of its 58th Anniversary, UPN Veterans Jakarta is again holding a State Defense Webinar Series with the theme "Defending the Country in Cyberspace" with several materials, including Digital Forensic Topics for Country Defense, Voice Recognition for Forensic Digitalization, Intelligent Judging Credibility of Social Media Information Sources, Defending the Country in Cyberspace with speakers who are qualified in their respective fields, and is held every Thursday in January 2021.


In the first webinar series (14/1) with the topic Digital Forensics for State Defense and Speech Recognition for Forensic Digitalization, Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Dr. Anter Venus MA, Comm representing the Chancellor gave his speech. In his remarks he explained several things related to UPNVJ's anxiety in the hustle and bustle of the virtual world, "In advance, thank you to the committee who have participated well in organizing this webinar activity. UPN Veteran Jakarta, as we know from its inception, already has the identity of defending the country. UPNVJ is committed to maintaining, upholding and advancing the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. One of the efforts that we do intensely is to provide literacy about defending the country, starting from publishing books on defending the country, then conducting research including creating an application system for the attitude of defending the country. So with this application, we can measure whether a person has a high attitude of defending the country or not. Apart from that, we also have to frequently conduct informative webinars like today." Definitely Venus

"The purpose of this Country Defense Webinar Series is to discuss State Defense in cyberspace, where in this webinar series we will discuss how to fight hoaxes or radical content, but we also have to spread a lot of good content. Disseminating positive content is an elegant way to counter the propaganda of radical groups as well as other negative content while inspiring others. This activity raised the theme "Defending the State in the Cyber World", this theme was raised because there was a lot of commotion that occurred, such as incidents of several parties harassing the head of state, and even harassing the state symbol. Social media has now become a new reality as information for us, if the content also becomes poison for us, of course it is not very positive for us so that it can threaten the unity and integrity of Indonesia. We hope that scientific forums like this can increase our awareness and involvement so that we can help maintain the continuity of the nation by giving our best.” Close it


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Defending the Country UPNVJ Webinar Series with the theme "Digital Forensics for State Defense and Voice Recognition for Forensic Digitalization"

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