Focusing on the MBKM Program, UPNVJ x AMATI Indonesia Holds a Webinar on Building Youth with Character


HumasUPNVJ - Starting from the Free Learning-Free Campus (MBKM) program which was inaugurated by the Minister of Education and Culture at the end of 2019, it gave a new breakthrough in the world of higher education.

This program is a new challenge for all state universities in Indonesia, especially for UPN Veteran Jakarta. Even though this program is a challenge that is not easy, UPN Veteran Jakarta has always focused on being able to help and facilitate effective programs for students to achieve the targets of MBKM.

To realize this program, UPN Veteran Jakarta through the AMATI Indonesia program was formed by Creative Nara, Nara Synergy and which facilitate as a solution to gain hands-on experience and knowledge about the concept of sustainability (sustainability) through apprenticeships or social projects at one social enterprise / MSMEs / community according to individual interests. This is to improve hard skills/soft skills as well as having a positive impact on the advancement of social enterprises and creating businesses with the 3P principles ( Profit , People and Planet ) based on the values of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG's).

On this occasion UPN Veteran Jakarta and AMATI Indonesia held a Webinar with the theme "Building Youth with Character Concerning Economic Growth, Environmental Protection and Community Welfare Through the Active Role of Students in the Development of Sustainable Business in Indonesia", on Friday (19/02/21).

Not an ordinary webinar, all students who attended this webinar were provided with information and inspiration, because several very inspirational speakers attended this webinar, including Dr. Vivi Yulaswati, MSc (Staff to the Minister of Bappenas for Social Affairs and Poverty Alleviation), Andy F. Noya (Founder of, Dr. Wachyu Hari Haji (National KBMI & ASMI Ministry of Education and Culture Reviewer), Arto Subiantoro (Founder of Brand Image Indonesia), Helianti Hilman (Founder of Javara Indonesia), Angkie Yudhistira (Special Staff to the President, Founder of ThisAble Enterprise), and Veronica Colondam (Founder of the Cinta Anak Bangsa Foundation). ).

"This is a form of our seriousness in providing an effective program to provide solutions for students so that later they can as much as possible participate in the MBKM program. Even though this is a new challenge for us (UPNVJ), you students don't need to hesitate because we will try to do the basic things or the maximum provision for you to be able to carry out this program as well as possible," said UPNVJ Chancellor, Erna Hernawati in her remarks before the participants.

Broadly speaking, quoting Arto Subiantoro's story, about his experience in seeing the current condition of MSMEs where there are MSMEs that have sunk and some that have risen and achieved extraordinary targets, and here he focuses on MSMEs that have been able to rise in the current pandemic situation.


Arto Subiantoro, who is usually called Arto, explained that there were 5 things that made them successful, namely by:

1. Extra creative where these MSMEs provide new categories that are in accordance with current conditions,

2. Extra tenacious, namely those who do and see market needs,

3. Their collaboration with SMEs where they share menus,

4. Extra educative, telling a superior composition in accordance with current conditions

5. Extra survival, how do their businesses try to keep their MSMEs moving even though it is not fortunate that many MSMEs are trying to keep going

“There are a large number of young entrepreneurs and I really encourage that. Entrepreneurship has become a trend because doing business is not only an advantage in the form of making money, in this case entrepreneurship can also have an impact on the nation's economic development and improve human resources, this is proof of State Defense that can be done at this time, "explained Arto.

"The key for novice entrepreneurs must have very broad relationships, this program will open opportunities for young people to open the widest possible relationships with experienced people," he added.

Andy F Noya and Veronica colondam both also opened the minds of young people to realize that there is another dimension when we are entrepreneurship, not just thinking about material gain, Andy and Veronica are trying to invite youth to be able to open their minds and hearts that there is satisfaction in the soul when someone tries to do entrepreneurship for achieve public welfare.

The resource persons in this webinar never stop providing inspiration for educators and UPN Veterans Jakarta students. It is hoped that the experiences shared by the resource persons can open and shape the perspectives of the academic community, especially in the field of entrepreneurship.


Andy F Noya and Veronica Colondam


Dr. Vivi Yulaswati, MSc (Staff to the Minister of Bappenas for Social Affairs and Poverty Alleviation)


Dr. Wachyu Hajj Day (National Reviewer of KBMI & ASMI of the Ministry of Education and Culture)


Helianti Hilman (Founder of Javara Indonesia)


Angkie Yudhistia (Special Staff to the President, Founder of ThisAble Enterprise)

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