Provisions for the Collection of Scientific Works and Free Libraries for UPN Veteran Jakarta Students During the Covid-19 Emergency

HumasUPNVJ - Following up on the UPN Veteran Jakarta Chancellor's circular letter No: 29/UN61.1/2020 concerning Determination of the Distance Learning Period (PJJ) within the UPN Veteran Jakarta environment, we herewith convey the provisions for free libraries and collection of scientific work (Final Project/Thesis/ Thesis) uploaded independently by students as follows:

1. Scientific work is uploaded via the page

2. The manual for uploading scientific work can be downloaded via the page

3. Video tutorials for uploading scientific works can be accessed via:

4. Soft copies of scientific works uploaded are those that have been approved by the Supervisor, Examiner, Head of the Study Program, and/or the Dean on the validation sheet with proof of signature.

5. UPT. The library verifies the scientific work that has been uploaded to the system based on a statement from the head of the study program regarding the validity of the Document validation sheet and Turnitin checking (Turnitin checking can only be done at the respective Faculties). The attachment to the certificate format can be downloaded by the Head of the Study Program via . The certificate is sent to the Library and sends a soft copy to email:

6. Specifically for the 66th Graduation Period for the 2020/2021 Academic Year UPT Odd Semester. The library did not issue a certificate of submission of the Final Assignment/Thesis/Thesis and Literature Free Library, but instead replaced it with the results of verification of data on the completeness of graduation requirements in the UPN Veteran Jakarta graduation system. Verification results can be accessed via by first entering the NIM after which there is information on the status of the Graduation requirements. The results of this verification are also used as a basis for taking diplomas and transcripts.

7. UPT. The library will check the free library (does not have collection loans at the UPT. Library) according to the Yudisium Decree. Prospective graduates who still have loans can send them to UPT. Library to UPN "Veteran" Jakarta Campus Jl. Fatmawati Pondok Labu Hospital - South Jakarta 12450 DR. Soetomo Lt. 4

8. Questions regarding free libraries and independent upload services can be submitted via e-mail or WA 085811591970 – 085811591971 (Library UPT officer).

9. With the issuance of this announcement, the UPT. Libraries do not serve free library management and Final Assignment/Thesis/Thesis collection that come directly to UPT. Library.

10. This provision applies from the time this announcement is issued until the prevention period for the transmission of COVID-19 is lifted and campus activities return to normal according to the direction of the University leadership.

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