
In the framework of the 21st Anniversary of the Faculty of Law at the Jakarta Veterans National Development University, a team of Faculty of Law lecturers carried out Community Service (PkM) with the theme Community Assistance on the Dangers of Narcotics among Adolescents. This time the PkM was held in Pangkalan Jati Baru Village, Cinere District, Depok, West Java (9/03/2021).

The Community Service implementation was carried out offline (face to face) at the Pangkalan Jati Baru sub-district office, Jalan Andara Depok, while still complying with health protocols. The PkM implementation was also attended by the Head of Pangkalan Jati Baru Village H. Sugianto, SE, represented by Siti Bairiyah, S.Sos, M.Sc (Head of Community and Service Section) of Pangkalanjati Baru Village in his remarks, very much appreciated the activities carried out by the Faculty of Law UPN Veteran Jakarta .

The resource person in this legal assistance activity was Heru Suyanto, a lecturer at UPNVJ Faculty of Law who is also the deputy dean for student affairs and cooperation. The lecturer team from FH UPNVJ consists of Dr. H. Supardi, SH, MH, Dr. Beniharmoni Harefa, SH, LL.M, Satino, S.Sos, MH, Kayus K Lewoleba, SH, MH, Mulyadi, SH, MH.

FH UPNVJ emphasized that narcotics are very dangerous and damage the nation's generation. Adolescents and youth as the next generation, are expected to avoid the dangers of narcotics which are very close to today's youth association. Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics has also clearly regulated the abuse of narcotics in Indonesia, so that if abuse occurs, they will be faced with the law.

Participants in this community assistance consisted of youth organizations in the Jati Baru sub-district. All participants listened and took part in this discussion well, as seen from the enthusiasm of the participants in gathering information from the sources by asking various questions related to narcotics and legal issues.


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