Creating KKN Free Areas, FIK UPNVJ Designates Integrity Zones

HumasUPNVJ - Friday, April 30 2021 The Faculty of Computer Science (FIK) at the Jakarta Veterans National Development University (UPNVJ) held a declaration of the development of an Integrity Zone towards a Corruption-Free Area (WBK) and a Clean and Serving Bureaucratic Area (WBBM) which was carried out online and face to face .

The declaration was carried out by signing the Charter and the Integrity Pact proclaiming the establishment of an integrity zone for the academic community of the Faculty of Computer Science at the Garuda Hall, Wahidin Sudiro Husodo Building, UPN Veterans Jakarta.


In this case UPNVJ Chancellor Erna Hernawati said that the declaration of the Integrity Zone was one of the targets in the previous performance agreement.

"Through the Bureaucratic Reform and Integrity Zone (WBK) and (WBBM) programs that will make UPNVJ free from KKN, perform, be accountable and achieve quality public services," said the Chancellor.

“To achieve this is certainly not easy, it requires changes in culture, changes in values , behavior, integrity, professionalism. There must be awareness from all parties to jointly uphold KKN-free, and work with an excellent service orientation aimed at all employees from all walks of life who have a culture of serving, providing solutions to the needs of the community, students, lecturers, partners," he added.

In addition to directions from the chancellor, the audience also received several online directions which were carried out directly by the Inspector General of the Ministry of Education and Culture, Dr. Chatarina Muliana and Muhammad Ali Akbar as the Sub Coordinator of Administrative Law of the Ministry of Education and Culture.

In this declaration, the Rector and Dean of FIK UPNVJ, Dr. Ernamatita which was continued by the reading of the Declaration of Declaration by the Dean of FIK, which was then signed by the entire FIK UPNVJ academic community.


The invitations related to ZI Development planning activities included parties related to the Director General of Education and Culture Prof. Nizam Director General of higher education, Prof. Mustangimah as head of the organization and management bureau, Secretary of the Directorate General of Higher Education Paristiyanti Nurwardani, Inspector General of the Ministry of Education and Culture Chatarina Muliana Plt Secretary general of Education and Culture by Mr. Ainun Na'im and all permanent lecturers at UPNVJ.

The Declaration of the Development of the Integrity Zone is related to the participation of FIK UPNVJ in the regional development of the integrity zone which emphasizes that it is not just a formality, but the Declaration of Development of the Integrity Zone is a commitment to work better and better to be able to carry out clean and accountable organizational management at FIK UPNVJ.

This is done with the hope that through an effective and efficient bureaucracy it can provide quality public services in accordance with the minimum standards that have been informed to the public as well as clean (no fee collection) and accountable services.

It should be noted that FIK UPNVJ has now increased the role of Internal Compliance in conducting 100% ELHKPN reporting and opening a public complaint service for acts of corruption and maximum service.

In an effective and efficient bureaucracy FIK UPNVJ and faculty leaders and all staff are committed to implementing WBK and WBBM management by implementing superior service SOP improvements, building communication to synergize with stakeholders , and monitoring and evaluating feedback and input from stakeholders and receiving input or complaint.

This is done to improve services by building information systems through innovations to be able to provide acceleration in services to make them more quality.


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