Implementation of UTBK Day One of the Second Batch Runs Smoothly on the Limo Campus


HumasUPNVJ - The first day of the second batch of Computer Based Writing Examination (UTBK) at the UPN Veteran Jakarta Campus 2 UTBK center located in Limo, Cinere Depok ran smoothly.


There is no significant difference from the implementation of UTBK this year and the previous year, the implementation of a fairly strict health protocol has been implemented from the implementation of the first batch of UTBK. Starting from requiring the use of medical masks, providing a hand washing area before entering the campus environment, checking body temperature by health workers and also providing hand sanitizers in every corner of the location.


Wardi as the technical person in charge of the Limo campus on his occasion when interviewed by the UPNVJ Public Relations team explained the procedures regarding the participant's entry process, "The first of course is the mandatory call for the use of medical masks when entering the campus environment, checking body temperature by a team of health workers, providing an area washing hands and providing hand sanitizer at every location point. Ward said

"Before the exam starts, we also give a briefing to the supervisors so that information related to the implementation of the exam goes as it should." Wardy added

"The point is that the UTBK implementation process at the Limo campus for the second batch went smoothly, there were no problems such as a power failure during the first batch yesterday." Close it

Wardi hopes that the implementation of the second batch of UTBK will run smoothly until the end and if there are problems, hopefully they can be resolved properly.

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It was recorded that 8,305 participants took part in Batch II of UTBK at UPNVJ

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