With Maximum Effort, MARC Team of Marine Engineering FT UPNVJ Won Best Design Boat Race Competition Comet 2.0.


HumasUPNVJ - The pandemic is not a barrier to remain productive, producing works from various fields. It can be seen from the achievements of UPN Veterans Jakarta Marine Engineering students. As is known, Marine Engineering is a pioneer in the development of maritime science in Indonesia and Southeast Asia, an engineering science that studies a ship's work which involves the planning and construction of a ship starting from the shape of the ship's hull and general plans, engine power requirements, structure and stability, and operation of finished ships to meet human needs in terms of transportation facilities.

As a pioneer of maritime studies in Indonesia, graduates of Marine Engineering have the advantage of mastering all engineering knowledge bases. Under the guidance of teachers who have dedicated themselves in maritime science for decades. Shipbuilding engineering graduates are not only guided to become engineers, but also engineers who are good at communicating, independent, logical, critical, systematic, and innovative in the context of the development and implementation of shipping science.

Students from the shipping study program who are members of the MARC ( Maritim Radio Control ) Team took part in the 2021 COMET PPNS Boat Race Competition from May 27 to May 31 2021 and managed to win the Best Design in the Comet 2.0 Boat Race Competition category.


In his written report, Muhammad Zidan Said as Team Leader / Production Division and his two teams, Irfan Mufid Ramadhan - Electrical Division and Andi Wibisono - Design Division said that the competition they took part in, the ship was conceptualized as having an integrated net and hatch system automatically. The working system of nets and automatic hatches is that when the net is lifted from the water, the hatch door will automatically open to enter the catch in the net.


"Apart from that, this ship is equipped with a fish lure lamp that functions to maximize catches. The lamps used are LED lamps which are energy efficient, environmentally friendly, and produce good lighting and light color. For the prototype , this fishing boat is named "Blue Marlin" which is designed using fiberglass material with an overall length of 70 cm, width of 20 cm, height of 10 cm, and draft of 4 cm. . Obviously

Apart from the written report, the UPNVJ public relations team also conducted an online interview with Andi Wibisono representing his team. Andi told several things related to the competition he and his team participated in, “The activity our team is participating in is a fast boat contest, each of which has 3 participants. people in 1 team, for proposal screening as many as 42 teams which later became 15 teams. Of the 15 teams tested again for the fast boat contest by PPNS in Surabaya. The 15 teams came from various campuses, including: PPNS University, ITS, UNS, UNDIP, PENS, and UPNVJ. There are several preparations that we have prepared, such as: preparing proposals, selecting items and also dividing the team. The reason that made us want to take part in this competition is that we definitely want to gain experience and also by participating in this competition we can create a lot of new knowledge.” Said Andi to the public relations team.

"There must have been ups and downs during yesterday's race, maybe talk about the joys first, the joys from yesterday's trip, namely that we got a lot of new insights which were very useful from other participants who competed yesterday, while for the sorrow, that is, our ship on D-day encountered a fatal obstacle. which caused us to be unable to take part in the race . But with these constraints, we make a very valuable lesson for the future ". he continued

"Our message to other friends and for ourselves is to never stop learning and looking for new insights from wherever it is, for the hope that we hope that our team for future competitions can be even better than yesterday". Close Andy


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