Soldiers from Komcad UPNVJ Return, Deputy Chancellors Make a Welcoming

HumasUPNVJ – In order to return the Reserve Component (Komcad) participants, Dr. dr. Ria Maria Theresa, SpKJ., MH. Deputy Chancellor for Cooperation and Student Affairs accompanied by Dr. Anter Venus, MA, Comm Deputy Academic Chancellor made a reception in Nusantara Room 2 of the UPN Veterans Jakarta Rectorate Building (UPNVJ), on Monday (11/10/21).

Welcoming was given to 20 Komcad participants consisting of 6 educational staff and 14 students who were representatives of UPN Veterans Jakarta who had participated in the program for more than 3 months.

"We are very proud of you who have participated in Komcad for about 3 months. I hope that in the future what has been obtained there can be transmitted here for myself and hopefully in the future there will be more and more people who will take part in Komcad," hoped Dr. Ria.


Triyono, one of the Komcad participants who was selected as the best student from the 2020 class of students at the Faculty of Health Sciences, the Nurses Program, said his ups and downs while participating in Komcad.

"For joy, of course we get new experiences, new knowledge and also new friends. Of course, our friends have corps souls, one sick, all feel pain, one happy, all feel happy. Then for grief, we cannot communicate with our families because communication tools are limited," Triyono said on the occasion when he was interviewed by the UPNVJ Public Relations team.

Triyono also expressed his pleasure and pride because he could take part in training activities that he had never done before, one of which was shooting practice.

"When we first fired a weapon with bullets, of course it really made our hearts flutter, but after adapting it actually made us happy to live it, plus if the results of our shooting are getting better and better," said Triyono.

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