HumasUPNVJ - In accordance with Presidential Instruction Number 2 of 2020 concerning the National Action Plan for the Prevention and Eradication of the Abuse and Illicit Traffic of Narcotics and Narcotics Precursors (P4GN) for 2020–2024 and following up on the letter of Plt. Secretary General of the Ministry of Education and Culture Number: 18728/A.A7/TU/2021 dated 22 March 2021 concerning the National Action Plan for the Prevention and Eradication of the Abuse and Illicit Trafficking of Narcotics and Narcotics Precursors (P4GN) for 2020-2024, then in line with this UPN Veteran Jakarta as a State University within the Directorate General of Higher Education, forms a task force team on Prevention of Narcotics Abuse and Illicit Trafficking of Narcotics - Narcotics Precursors and Organizes health ( urine ) tests for ASN and PPNPN as well as all leaders in UPNVJ starting from the Chancellor to the Deans of the Faculties in the framework of Implementing the Action Plan P4GN National which was held at Plaza Wardiman UPNVJ. (9/12)
The UPNVJ Chancellor, Erna Hernawati accompanied by the Deputy Chancellor for General Affairs and Finance, Prasetyo Hadi, opened the event by giving remarks in front of 117 medical test participants consisting of UPNVJ lecturers and education staff, "This activity was carried out in accordance with the president's directions and thank God UPNVJ has carried it out today . Thank you to all related parties, especially the National Narcotics Agency for the city of Depok for working with us, "said Erna
The Chancellor of UPNVJ hopes that all academicians must have a commitment to be clean from drugs.
Purwoko Nugroho as Sub. The Coordinator of the P2M BNN Depok city appreciated UPNVJ for being the first campus to carry out a medical ( urine ) test with the Depok city BNN, "We really salute UPNVJ, because UPNVJ has become the first campus that dares to carry out a medical ( urine ) test with us by immediately assigned 117 participants to take the test, consisting of lecturers and students. This is certainly a good commitment, hopefully this will be an example for students and other stakeholders to be clean from drugs," he said
The Depok City BNN assigned eight people consisting of BNN investigators, drug extension workers, nurses and BNN staff. The flow of the health check today starts from distributing the form (participant data), taking and filling in the urine pot, then immediately returning the urine pot to the return table, the results will be given some time after the test.