MBKM Collaboration, UPNVJ Collaborates with Indonesian Sariputra University Tomohon


HumasUPNVJ - Dr. dr. Ria Maria Theresa UPN Veteran Jakarta (UPNVJ) again received a visit from a university, namely Sariputra Indonesia Tomohon University (UNSRIT) in the Nusantara Room of the UPNVJ Rectorate Building, Pondok Labu, on Tuesday (28/12/21).

UNSRIT's visit this time aims to hold discussions and sign a collaboration regarding the Independent Campus Learning Program (MBKM).

"Indeed MBKM is a big job for us and we also know that the program cannot be carried out alone, we have to discuss it with several tertiary institutions so this time we can discuss with each other and be strengthened by the collaboration we do too. Hopefully we can collaborate with each other for mutual progress. said Dr. dr. Ria Maria Theresa, Sp.KJ . MH UPNVJ Deputy Chancellor for Student Affairs and Cooperation.

Not alone, Ria and her staff also received UNSRIT visits, one of which was Satria Yudhia W., SE, MS. Ak The leader of the MBKM team and the Head of the UPNVJ Learning, Development and Quality Assurance Institute (LP3M) who will directly explain several MBKM programs that have been implemented at UPNVJ.

UPNVJ itself has implemented 8 (eight) MBKM programs designed by the Ministry of Education and Culture plus 1 (one) independent MBKM program, namely the Reserve Component (Komcad) in collaboration with the Indonesian Ministry of Defense for students and educators in training discipline and military in accordance with UPNVJ's identity, namely National Defense Campus.


In this case, Dr. Ir. Don RG Kabo, SST., MT., IPM UNSRIT Deputy Chancellor for Academic Affairs felt very proud to be able to come to visit UPNVJ to discuss with each other about the MBKM program.

"Thank you for the service provided, it is truly extraordinary, indeed our class is to study here. We need to learn a lot about how to implement MBKM and ask for guidance so that we can learn to understand and implement it on our campus," said the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs at UNSRIT to UPNVJ.

The activity continued with a thorough presentation of the MBKM program activities at UPNVJ by Satria Yudhia W., SE, MS. Ak The leader of the MBKM team who is also the Head of UPNVJ's LP3M, to give an overview to UNSRIT of what programs UPNVJ has implemented regarding MBKM. *(at)


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