UPNVJ Receives One Medium Bus Unit from Bank BTN Syariah


HumasUPNVJ – Monday, December 27 2021, Bank BTN Syariah provided student facilities in the form of 1 (one) Medium Bus unit to UPN Veteran Jakarta (UPNVJ).

This collaboration is one of the implementations of the benefits of the Bank BTN Syariah Operational Development Program. The handover of the bus took place in the lobby of the UPNVJ Rector, Pondok Labu which was attended by the UPNVJ Chancellor, Dr. Erna Hernawati, Ak, CPMA, CA, CGOP and their staff, as well as the Head of the Sharia BTN Division, Alex Sofjan Noor and his deputy, Muhammad Arasy as Branch Manager of BTN Syariah Jakarta Pasar Minggu, and also present Deputy Branch Manager of BTN Syariah Jakarta Pasar Minggu, Iwan Kurniawan .

This event was held as a step to enlighten the benefits of the operational development program of the many superior facilities of sharia business units with strategic partners. This is a form of Bank BTN Syariah's commitment to increase the operational capacity of Bank BTN Syariah's partners, one of which is in the field of education. The provision of buses is indeed included in the property business, but it does not rule out the possibility that Bank BTN Syariah can also serve non-property businesses, especially in the field of education or in the field of other services, whether in the form of working capital or investment.


Alex, Head of the BTN Syariah Division, said that Bank BTN Syariah continues to expand its wings even in the conditions of the Covid-19 pandemic.

"This condition is a whip for Bank BTN Syariah to change," he said in his speech. Alex considers the changes that occur must be faced together. What's more, now that everything is completely online or real time , "he said.

"This is the vision of Bank BTN Syariah to grow even bigger, to become the largest digital mortgage bank in Indonesia. Of course, this is something we have to build on, “added Alex.

Do not forget to thank Alex for the cooperation in this operational development program. Bank BTN Syariah in the future may open opportunities for other developments at UPN Veteran Jakarta, for example in providing lecture halls, for the welfare of employees in the form of mortgages and other forms.

Through the UPNVJ Chancellor's speech, it was discovered that Bank BTN Syariah was the first bank to provide benefits from cooperation in the form of means of transportation (in this case one unit of medium bus). The Chancellor hopes that this collaboration will be a starting point for other collaborations that provide benefits, especially for students.


The Chancellor also expressed his gratitude for the provision of student transportation services which certainly benefited students. The Chancellor also hopes that Bank BTN Syariah will provide facilities such as in the construction of the UPN Veterans Jakarta Building, "There are lots of facilities that can be collaborated between BTN and Universities. I am also interested in other opportunities other than employees related to housing & buildings. It is also possible that in the near future we will indeed need the construction of a building," said Erna.

Before ending his remarks, the Chancellor advised UPN Veterans Jakarta, which is responsible for carrying out periodic maintenance of the buses provided by Bank BTN Syariah. (sf)


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