HumasUPNVJ - In order to realize orderly management of State Property, Minister of Finance Regulation Number 181/PMK.06/2016 concerning Administration of State Property, it is expected that Ministries/Institutions carry out inventories at least once every 5 (five) years, with the aim of improving orderly administration BMN that is effective, efficient, optimal and accountable.
In order to increase the accountability of BMN management and ensure orderly administration, physical existence of goods, condition of goods, utilization of BMN and legal safeguards, BMN UPNVJ organizes Technical Guidance on the Administration and Management of BMN Public Service Bodies through Controlling BMN Inventory and Management in the UPNVJ Environment, which is located at Cosmo Amaroossa Hotel Jakarta and the participants involved in this activity are employees who are directly related to the budgeting and implementation of financial and BMN transactions which are expected so that the material presented is right on target so as to support the objectives of implementing the activity. The participants involved totaled 35 people including the heads of the UPN Veterans Jakarta work unit, assistants from the Ministry of Education and Culture and UPNV Yogyakarta, heads of internal supervisors, and BMN managers at UPNVJ. This activity presented Marlon Maitimu (Coordinator for Finance & BMN Kemendikbudristek) and Agus Santosa (UPN Veteran Yogyakarta) as resource persons. (13/12)
Dr. Prasetyo Hadi, SE, MM, CFMP, as vice Chancellor for General Affairs and Finance representing the Chancellor conveyed his direction at the beginning of the event, "The purpose of carrying out this BMN inventory and Technical Guidance activity is to find out the existence, conditions, and problems of BMN in UPNVJ and to be able to improve synergy between BMN managers at the satker level (Rectorate) and BMN managers in each sub-satker. Regarding the UPNVJ inventory, we hope that nothing violates existing provisions and is always effective in managing State Property. Hopefully, this technical guidance will be able to produce outputs such as the preparation of an accurate and accountable BMN inventory implementation report, the presentation of asset values in the BMN Report and the Ministry of Education and Culture's Financial Report in accordance with Government Accounting Standards, and the Realization of BMN management in the Ministry of Education and Culture according to the principles of BMN management, " he concluded
The discussion material presented by the resource person included: Identifying goods based on their good condition/lightly damaged and heavily damaged and putting them into inventory working papers; Identify items not found on inventory working papers to deepen the causes of not found; Identify excess/non-existent items in the records in the inventory working papers to deepen the causes of their unrecorded; Identify problematic BMN and put the results in a problem inventory list.