UPNVJ Holds Coordination with three Public Service Agency Supervisory Boards


HumasUPNVJ - Friday, 31 December 2021, Located in Nusantara Room 1 UPN Veteran Jakarta (UPNVJ) Rectorate Building, the Chancellor and his staff together with the Public Service Board supervisory team coordinated a number of matters related to financial management and targets to optimize UPNVJ's new status, namely Public Service Agency (BLU).

On this occasion Dr. Ir. Paristiyanti Nurwardani, MP Secretary Directorate General of Higher Education Ministry of Education and Culture Chairperson of the UPNVJ Supervisory Board, Ir. Iyan Rubianto, MA Secretary of the Directorate General of the Ministry of Finance, member of the UPNVJ Supervisory Board and Prof. Dr.Jamal Wiwoho, SH, M.Hum Chancellor of Sebelas Maret University who is also a member of the UPNVJ Supervisory Board.

The supervisory board itself is the representative of the government in managing BLU, to ensure that BLU is in line with policies, the agency being supervised is more aware of the risks of managing BLU and directs BLU as an available, affordable and sustainable service.

In his report, UPNVJ Chancellor Dr. Erna Hernawati, Ak, CPMA, CA, CPOG conveyed the current condition of UPNVJ starting from the number of faculties, currently 7 faculties, the number of study programs totaling 29, active students totaling 12,317 people, and the process of proposing study programs totaling 12 study programs.

Erna also explained the level of public trust in UPNVJ with the increasing number of new student interest over the last three years. In addition, UPNVJ also ranks in the top 10 state universities with the highest Science and Technology scores for the last two years.

In his explanation, Erna also added that UPNVJ has several business fields, one of which is the Hyperbaric Lab which can later be developed into business values and facilities that not all state universities have.

Dr. Ir. Paristiyanti Nurwardani as Chair of the UPNVJ Supervisory Board also believes that the Hyperbaric Lab can be a good point for UPNVJ. He also said the 2021 BLU policy direction was synergy and consolidation to maintain service continuity aimed at quality institutional budgeting, creating affordable public services, optimizing assets and cash, improving governance and carrying out risk mitigation and concrete steps to achieve service performance targets.

Paristiyanti also explained the purpose of becoming a BLU, in public service BLU as a pioneer of reform to build modern government agencies with a strong customer service orientation, to fulfill basic needs that support public welfare and educate the nation's life, to be a contributor to the economy and contribution to national GDP and PNBP.

The discussion continued by listening to various inputs given by Ir. Iyan Rubianto, MA Secretary of the Directorate General of the Ministry of Finance, member of the UPNVJ Supervisory Board and Prof. Dr.Jamal Wiwoho, SH, M.Hum Chancellor of Sebelas Maret University who is also a member of the UPNVJ Supervisory Board.

This opportunity is a very valuable opportunity for UPNVJ of course, where the change in status that occurs requires a lot of direction and guidance so that it is in accordance with UPNVJ and the Ministry of Education and Culture's targets.

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